THE 5 BEST SUGGESTIONS WIN, Bringing New Users vs Bringing New Investors, What is Better for Steem Value

in Steem Schools3 years ago

New user are the backbone of steemit

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Hello steemian's hope you all are doing perfect im also fine. 1st of all i would like to thanks @tatjanastan who introduced this concept out of all the communities. No doubt in that both the #investors and #nweusers are the back bone of the platform. We should always work for the future of steen.

i would like to go with bringing new users, it will make the steem more stronger and productive here's my 5 suggestions for the growth of steemit


1. New Users:


  • new users always been key for any platform because new user make the platform crowded which Means it will bring more power to the steem faimly. Because new users will explore the steemit with more passion and struggles they work hard to get achieve a certain level that is why new users always been good for any platform. Any successfull Bussines will grow with more customers.
a new user mean a new group of members it's a long chain of users which will continue in a chinless mode.



2. One New User mean one investor + source of countless new Users:


  • as we all se the contests about new users game like, so thats the reason i prefer new user over investors because new user will work to themselves as well as bring there close friends and family members to the platform. But on the other hand an investor just invest in the platform and get his profit and have no interest on bringing new users because of which they will invest on the platform. Being a user on steemit i will always try my best to bring as many as new users as i could. The most important thing when one investor get lose or something like that, he will surely change change his path but a user will never.
so it is always better to bring new users instead of investors keep these things in mind.



3. More new users will attract more:


  • more new users always attract the others but the investors will not take that risk to jump into someone's futsteps. New users are more loyal to there platform then investors. The key to get work out from new user is always backing them up, support them in need. Stand with them when they need.
New users are the key to bring new users through there target base incentives.



4. Bring Target Based Incentives to Users:


  • it is always important to support new members, every member should get incentive when he or she may get achieve a target. When a member do good job appreciate them and there work, this will provide an extra effort to the work. Because some users really need a backing up force to improve there performance.
Giving incentive will always bost the power of new user your brand will come up with the crowd means more new people .




5. New Users are The future of steemit:


  • No doubt in it that new users are the future of steemit which makes the platform more popular it among the othet world and currencies. Because investors may come a go, but it's the users that stay. It's the userd that becomes investors in future, and it is more beneficial if the investors has great experience about steem. Because when a user becomes investor in future it will bring more trafic to the platform of steemit.

So here we comes to the point that

today's users are ultimately future's grand investors

I would really like to thanks
Who really produces such initiative

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