WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 8 - Poetry Game - Day 3 - Reward Pool 50 STEEM by @rose-o

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Good Day All, I am happy partaking in this great Contest this is my first post here I hope it's meet up to the standard of this great community.
Thanks to
@dorbatim for organizing this contest it's a medium for us to showcase our hidden potentials

Fame or Name??

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I strive for a name
Be it tittle,Fame or wealth
So dearly I sore to be great
To create to form and to act

I began to scheme rifts and battle
Just to own the world and get a title
I hold my armour with all my might
Hoping to win this fight

In all my struggle to work a name
My mum will tap me and say
A good name is better than silver or gold
Rose it's better you are a slave and be sold

Than to go astray seeking for Fame
Don't Tarnish Your Name
My dear Sleep again and dream again
A good name will always reign

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Compossed by @rose-o

That's is it. I hope you learnt something meaningful in my poem

Special Mention

#steemschools #peotry #poem #steemcontest #Nigeria

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