Chairman of the Bireuen Regency Ulama Consultative Council Closes Ulama Cadre Education.

in Steem Schools3 months ago


Chairman of the Bireuen Regency Ulama Consultative Council Closes Ulama Cadre Education.

Chairman of the Bireuen Regency Ulema Consultative Council, Tgk. Nazaruddin H. Ismail officially closed the Ulama Cadre Education (PKU) activities in 2024.

The ceremonial closing of Ulama Cadre Education activities for Islamic boarding school students and Dayah alumni in Bireuen Regency, took place at the Wisma Bireuen Jaya Hall, Tuesday (11/6/2024).

Mr. Nazaruddin H. Ismail in his instructions explained that the Ulama Cadre Education activities that had been carried out did not automatically make the participants become ulama.

At the very least, this activity will increase the knowledge and insight of all tengku as prospective ulama in the future.

“Take everything good that you get during the activity and leave everything bad. "Because as humans, no one will be perfect," he said.

He stated that he knew that the tengku participants all had above average scientific abilities, and were all intelligent and skilled future ulama candidates.

"However, as I said in the iftitah sermon at the opening, we will send participants who get better scores among the tengkus to take part in further PKU activities carried out by MPU Aceh," he said.

Mr. Nazaruddin H. Ismail reminded us, as future ulama candidates, continue to behave and have noble character and continue to gain knowledge so that you can be a role model for others and be useful for the ummah.

He expressed his gratitude to the entire committee who have made efforts to make the 2024 Ulama Cadre Education activities a success.

"May all our efforts and efforts become worship before Allah and every step we take will always be protected and pleased by Allah SWT," said the Chairman of the Bireuen Regency MPU.

The Chair of the Committee who is also the Secretary of MPU Bireuen, Said Jamaluddin, SE, said that the 2024 Ulama Cadre Education activity was attended by 34 participants.

The participants consisted of Islamic students and Dayah alumni representing 17 sub-districts in the Regency and presented 16 presenters.

It was stated that in this activity, the committee selected three participants as the best participants according to their ranking.

The first best rank was obtained by Tgk Muhammad, a representative from Makmur District.

"Then, in second place, Tgk Zulkarnaini, a representative from Samalanga District and in third place, Tgk. "Abdul Hamid, a representative from Peusangan District," said Said Jamaluddin.




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