WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 3 - Poetry Game/ From Venezuela Anxiety

in Steem Schools4 years ago


Good afternoon everyone, especially
to @dobartim and @ sultan-aceh. Greetings from Venezuela to you, I bring you a little poetry of my authorship, thank you guys I hope you like it.

Buenas tardes a todos, en especial
a @dobartim y a @sultan-aceh Saludos desde Venezuela para ustedes, les traigo una pequeña poesía de mi autoría, gracias muchachos espero sea de su agrado



See life from a hole
Never been a great idea
As if you see a roll
That the tide carries away

Hahahaha laughs I hear coming out of my mouth
Everything I say sounds like crazy things
Anxiety gnaws at my thought
Anxiety makes me feel bad

I would like to run thoughts that haunt me
The rhyme of my poetry was lost
It will be how crazy I have gone
It will be that little by little my life is ending

Scream scream like crazy scream
Apologize to the air and kiss a shadow
It will be that I am crazy sir
No it's just anxiety


**Ansiedad **

Ver la vida desde un hoyo
Nunca ha sido gran idea
Como si vieras un rollo
Que se se lleva la marea

Jajajaja risas escucho saliendo de mi boca
Cada cosa que digo suena a cosas locas
La ansiedad me corroe el pensamiento
La ansiedad me hace sentir mal

Quisiera correr pensamientos me persiguen
Se perdió la rima de mi poesia
Sera que loco me he vuelto
Sera que poco a poco se acaba mi vida

Gritar gritar como loco gritar
Pedir perdon al aire y besar una sombra
Sera que estoy loco señor
No, es solo ansiedad


I hope my publication is to your liking, I wish you congratulations and blessings.

Espero que mi publicación sea de su agrado, les deseo felicidades y bendiciones.



Welcome to Poetry Game

Thanks my bro😊👍👌

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