WEEKLY CONTEST - Poetry Game - Day 1 -

in Steem Schools3 years ago

This is my first participation for the WEEKLY CONTEST - Poetry Game - Day 1 - propopuesto by @dobartim. And it is also a personal challenge, because I usually write poetry in Spanish, but not in English. So I'm trying, and I'll leave you also, at the end, the Spanish version. I helped myself with the google translate and some knowledge of English, but as for the versification, I want to learn! Today I tried a formality-free poem today, because it suits my little knowledge about hyphenation better.

In advance, I apologize for mistakes.

Fuente (https://pixabay.com/es/photos/rose-rosa-de-invierno-flor-bloom-3142660/)

My rose is dying

The cold air whips my skin

it hurts me

the pain is greater in my heart

because I'm alone

without your Love

without your warmth on my skin.

I want to know

if you come back to me

if my life will return to you

if your heat will return

to my skin

my essential love

The winter rose died

the cold turned it off

Will it be the same with my love?

the distance without words

it breaks my heart

did you forget me, love?

The wind brings whispers

roars sometimes

but you remain mute

your absence hurts

your silence hurts

my rose is dying

image.pngFuente (ttps://pixabay.com/es/photos/rose-flor-p%C3%A9talo-el-amor-florales-3142529/)

Versión en español

El aire frio azota mi piel

me lastima

el dolor es mayor en mi corazon

Porque estoy solo

sin tu amor

sin tu calor en mi piel

quiero saber

si vuelves a mi

si mi vida volverá a ti

si tu calor volverá

a mi piel

mi amor esencial

La rosa de invierno murió

el frio lo apago

¿Será igual con mi amor?

la distancia sin palabras

me rompe el corazón

me olvidaste amor

El viento trae susurros

ruge a veces

pero te quedas mudo

tu ausencia duele

tu silencio duele

mi rosa esta muriendo


♥ The source of the images is indicated at the bottom of them. Paragraph separators are my property.

♥ This is an original publication by @mllg for the WEEKLY CONTEST - Poetry Game - Day 1.
To participate, click on the link:https://steemit.com/hive-152587/@dobartim/weekly-contest-poetry-game-day-1-reward-pool-50-steem


Thanks for reading and commenting



Hola querida amiga @mllg buenas tardes
hermosa composición , admiro a las personas que saben escribir poesías
aprovecho para desearte una esplendida tarde

Muchas graacias por tus siempre animosas palabras, apreciado @jlufer.
Muy amable de tu parte.
Feliz mes de marzo

Beautifully composed poem. Sad but very well delivered.

Thanks for the feedback, @ablaze

wuao amiga que lindo poema. En el hay algo de melancolia.
Un abrazo.

Gracias por tu apoyo, amiga.
Sí, hay melancolía y amor.
Me encanta que te haya gustado!!

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