Lifestyle Brunch

in Steem Schools4 years ago



Friend, do you know what brunch is?

Although now more and more people are familiar with the term brunch, for those who don't know, I will tell you this info.

Brunch is a term used when eating food when outside of meal times, between breakfast and lunch.

So, combine breakfast and lunch at one time. This term stands for break fast and lunch. The time is from 11 am to 3 pm.


Who wants to know the history of brunch? Well, let me tell you.

The brunch originated in England, circa 1800's, and is served in a mananch brunch fashion. There is a sociologist, his name is Farha Ternikar, Phd. He said in the 1900s, British people used breakfast to lunch by drinking Blagimary. Then this activity became popular in America since the 1930s, and continues to expand throughout the world, including in Indonesia.

Then I wondered, is brunch just a necessity or a lifestyle, right?

In his native England, brunch has become a necessity. Brunch is synonymous with gathering time and socializing activities for women.

In Indonesia, some people have adapted this culture from abroad, and brunch is more suitable to be called a lifestyle.

Brunch is considered as a way to socialize or reduce fatigue at work. In Indonesia, the brunch menu can be enjoyed at cafes. People often eat brunch while doing activities such as meetings, chatting, or friends for tea and coffee. Sometimes brunch can be a solution for those who don't have time to eat breakfast, but must immediately attend meetings and other activities.

The point is that brunch outside is more of a necessity. But if in Indonesia it is more of a lifestyle, and also not supported by restaurants, cafes in Indonesia that do not yet provide a special brunch menu. So, for brunch miting like me, who has an appointment, it's a bit difficult to find the place. But if we talk about benefits, what are the benefits of brunch?

The benefit of the brunch is to provide a source of energy. So, people who eat breakfast, they work hard, usually before lunch they have their energy, their energy for their bodies has started to decrease, because they are burned while they are working.

Well, if he ate between breakfast and lunch, that would mean consuming energy again. So he will recover his strength. We have to have breakfast, yes, if he is a hard worker, in a physical sense. It can be brunch. But if he's like a manager, he sits a lot, doesn't brunch. That will risk excess calories later, obesity will occur later.

So, for those with ideal body weight, hardworking, brunch. But brunch has its advantages. How much for breakfast, how much for brunch, how much lunch, how much for afternoon, how much dinner. It all must be in total, so that the weight is controlled. If this total excess can cause weight gain.

Okay, all the information regarding the ins and outs of brunch is out. Don't forget to stay on Steemit, because there are many other interesting information from your Steemians, be it health information, traveling, food, photography, and so on.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my simple blog.

See you again.

By @midiagam

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