John Davison Rockefeller was an American oil industry business magnate industrialist and philanthropist: Successful

in Steem Schools4 years ago (edited)

Advice from john d Rockefeller for young people who want to be rich and successful John Davison Rockefeller was an American oil industry business magnate industrialist and philanthropist he is widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history kind enough Rockefeller gives some advice that could be helpful for anyone who desires to be rich and successful in life.


A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship this is very straightforward don't ever get your friends involved in your business because business is too tough for friendship in fact I employed someone a friend recommended only for me to regret that decision don't employ anyone who can't fire don't partner with anyone who is not willing to make sacrifices for your growth because business is as serious as war.

I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to the success of any kind as the quality of perseverance it overcomes almost everything even nature Winston Churchill once said if you're going through hell keep going life is tough and there is nothing you can do about it those who win the war of life are those who don't make excuses or complain about their situations believe me you are not alone everyone has gotten some pains they have to endure and give the hell and keep moving to you get to heaven.

The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the street warren Buffett said if you want to make one be joyful when everyone is panicking most things in the world are better done at the opposite of everyone the best time to start a business is when everyone is looking for a job the best time to invest is when everyone thinks it's risky the way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the street. I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity Dale Carnegie said when fate hands you a lemon make lemonade when life pushes you to the ground look for what to pick up remain optimistic and never blame other people for your situation because if you do you lose the power to solve your problems in summary if you want to be rich and successful in life don't do what everyone is doing strike a new path establish a reputation as a trustworthy individual so others can support your dreams don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great don't be proud of working hard learn how to leverage and make money from other people's efforts don't just strive to be rich strive to help other people's lives become better because it's by doing so you can truly be rich be willing to focus on a single goal for many years never employ anyone you cannot fire when things are not working remain persistent invest while others are panicking panic when others invest in when fate hands you a lemon make lemonade.



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