Sleep is an important issue

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

How are you all friends I hope you are well with the mercy of Allah Ta'ala, I am also very well with your prayers and mercy of Allah Ta'ala.

Dear friends, welcome to one more post of mine. Today I will write something about sleep.


Mankind spends their lives in the world in two stages. One is waking state, the other is sleeping state. Studies have shown that 33% of human life is spent in sleep.

Sleep is a normal process of resting in the midst of the busyness of daily life. While sleeping people are unconscious, unable to respond to normal processes. While asleep, a person's conscious reaction is stagnant.

Sleep is essential for the survival of humans and most animals. A person needs six to seven hours of sleep in twenty-four hours to stay healthy. No matter how busy you are throughout the day, you need to sleep at the end of the day. Sleep relieves fatigue throughout the day.


Sleep is a great blessing of Allah Ta'ala. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

You will see that many people cannot sleep properly, it takes them a long time to sleep. Again, many sleep very well, go to bed immediately. Many people take a variety of sleeping pills. It is not advisable to take sleeping pills without doctor's advice. Excessive sleeping pills can cause various diseases in our body.

Inadequate sleep or lack of sleep can cause various diseases in our body. According to doctors, the body's living organisms cannot function properly without proper sleep. If you do not sleep, the hormonal balance of the body can be disturbed. Lack of sleep can increase high blood pressure and hypertension.


Sleep deprivation can lead to heart problems. During sleep, the heart and blood vessels get rest. So if you sleep less, cardiovascular problems will increase and heart problems will increase.

Lack of sleep or lack of sleep can lead to many more problems. So let's get regular sleep and stay healthy according to the rules. It is important to remember that excess sleep is also a cause of loss. Excessive sleep makes people lazy and can cause various diseases in the body.

Thanks to everyone for bothering to read the whole article.

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