hi steemit Friend

in Steem Schools5 years ago

This is a portrait of life in the countryside in my country, Indonesia. The standard of living is not yet prosperous due to the unavailability of enough jobs for the population. The poor population still dominates in each area.

Born from a family whose family income is not sufficient to make these students have to study without a desk. But her spirit of learning is very high. they were seen writing on the floor because they didn't have a desk. I can imagine for sure that her waist will hurt because she has to write by bending over.

Inilah gambaran kehidupan di pedesaan di negara saya, Indonesia. Tingkat kehidupan belum makmur dikarenakan tidak tersedianya lapangan kerja yang cukup untuk para penduduk. Penduduk miskin masih mendominasi di setiap area.

Terlahir dari keluarga yang income keluarganya belum memadai membuat siswa ini harus belajar tanpa adanya meja belajar. Namun semangat belajarnya sangat tinggi. Mereka terlihat menulis di lantai karena belum memiliki meja belajar. Saya bisa membayangkan

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