Poetry Game Contest Entry: Week 10 ~ || “ROUTINES”, From Dawn Shone Until The Sun Had Returned || ~ by @liameutia

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Hi Steemian..

First, I want to thank @dobartim for creating this great contest with the theme Poetry Game. Sometimes for some people, it is difficult to express what they are feeling openly. They prefer to put it in written form, one of which is by writing poetry.

This time I will write a poem related to routine. People who are stuck in a routine and are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Without realizing it, he was actually very uncomfortable with the zone he was going through at the moment.

I hope you all enjoy the poetry.

image source

“ROUTINES”, From Dawn Shone Until The Sun Had Returned

Has awakened from my sleep
Ah, again..
Routines, even though my eyes were still closed, a series of activities rained down on my mind
It was like a drizzle that kept on attacking my face, felt soft, but it couldn't make my eyes open

Slowly I lifted my body and began to leave the bed
I can't afford to run
Unable to leave this. And, forget the routine

The sun started arrogant as if it was screaming
I coming !
Let's work !
Ah, Ah.. but this is what I have to do
Try to smile, I started doing everything, as if nothing could match my expertise

In time the sun begins to be shy and began to hide
Slowly, and disappear

Me, the “ROUTINES” warrior
From dawn to shine
Until the sun has returned

That's all my writing this time. I dedicate this poem to people who get stuck in a routine and try to enjoy it. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

Warm Regard,


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