"Benefits of Guava"

in Steem Schools3 years ago


Nutrition> Nutrition Facts

Benefits of Guava, Obtained From Fruit to Leaves.

Of course you already know guava fruit. Usually, you bring this fruit when you are going to visit a friend or relative who is sick with dengue fever, because it is believed to accelerate the healing of this disease. However, actually the benefits of guava are not only that. Guava fruit has a myriad of properties thanks to its nutritional content, which you may not have known about.

Nutritional content of guava fruit.Guava, or with the Latin name Psidium guajava, is a trpois fruit from Central America and northern South America. This fruit has a greenish yellow skin color with pink or white flesh. In the middle, there are many small seeds. This makes this fruit known as guava in Indonesia.

Consume guava fruit, especially the red one, usually in the form of juice. However, you can also eat this fruit directly as a healthy snack everyday.

However, regardless of the form of consumption, guava fruit, both red and white, both contain beneficial nutrients for the body. As for knowing these nutritional content, it can help meet your daily nutritional needs.The following is the nutritional content stored in every 100 grams of guava fruit based on Indonesian Food Composition.

Apart from the nutrients above, guava fruit also contains other types of vitamins, such as vitamin A and folate (vitamin B9). Meanwhile, the carotene content in guava fruit is lycopene, which is a compound that gives the fruit its red color.

Reporting from Food Insight, lycopene is an antioxidant compound that functions to fight free radicals. The excess free radicals in the body can cause various chronic diseases, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.

Various benefits of guava fruit for health, Based on these nutritional content, various benefits or benefits of guava fruit, both red and white, include:

Boost your immune system,Guava is one of the fruits with high vitamin C content, even the level is four times higher than citrus fruits. The vitamin C is one of the antioxidant compounds that can help boost your immune system. These compounds work by repairing damaged tissue in the body and fighting free radicals.Potent Content of Guava to Maintain Body Immunity. Relieves colds and coughs

Not only does it boost the immune system, the vitamin C content in guava is also great for relieving coughs and colds. This content is antioxidant and antibacterial which can help break down mucus and eliminate germs lodged in the throat and respiratory system. However, not only from fruit, you can get these benefits by consuming tea from guava leaves.

Maintain heart health

Consuming guava fruit regularly can help improve your heart health. The antioxidant content in guava can help protect the heart from free radical damage. In addition, the potassium content in it can help control blood pressure, and fiber can lower cholesterol which can endanger heart health.

Smooth digestion system

The fiber content in guava can also help improve your digestion. One guava fruit can contain 12 percent of the fiber of your daily recommendation. Thus, consuming guava fruit can help prevent constipation, reduce the duration of diarrhea, and to maintain your overall intestinal health.

Help prevent cancer

Guava is a plant that is used to help treat cancer. The reason is, various studies have found that all parts of the guava plant, both from fruit, seed and leaf extracts, have properties to fight cancer cells, including prostate cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, and melanoma. This is because the content of vitamin C, lycopene, and quercetin in it is antioxidant and anticancer.

Lowering blood sugar levels

Guava fruit, both red and white, has properties to lower blood sugar levels, so this fruit is good for consumption by diabetics. The reason is, guava has a low glycemic index and is high in fiber, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes. Not only that, experts believe drinking guava leaf tea can reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Lose weight

Are you losing weight? If so, you can consume guava fruit or its juice every day as a healthy snack for your diet. This is because the calorie content of guava fruit is very low, but it is rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals that are suitable for the diet. Not only that, the sugar content in guava is not as high as other fruits, such as oranges or apples.

Maintain eye health

Vitamin A is an important nutrient for maintaining eye health. The guava fruit is a source of vitamin A that you can consume to get these benefits. The reason is, vitamin A in guava fruit can help improve vision while preventing macular degeneration and the development of cataracts.

Improve oral health

Not only the benefits of guava fruit. Guava leaves contain antioxidant and antibacterial compounds that can kill germs and fight infection, so they can help relieve inflamed and painful teeth and gums. It's just that you can get this property if you consume tea or juice from guava leaf extract.

Relieve stress

If you are under stress, drinking red guava juice or eating the fruit as a snack can help you relax. This benefit can be obtained due to the magnesium content in guava fruit. Magnesium can help relax tired nerves and tense muscles.

Prevent thyroid disease

Thyroid disease is a disorder of the thyroid gland that sometimes causes swelling in the neck area (goiter). To help prevent thyroid disease, consuming guava fruit regularly can be one way. The reason is, this fruit contains copper minerals and fiber which help regulate, protect, and improve the function of the thyroid gland.

Slows down aging of the skin

The benefits of guava for skin health come from a variety of nutrients. The content of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lycopene, helps protect skin cells from damage. This can slow down the aging process, prevent wrinkles, and tighten the skin. To get this benefit, you can eat the fruit directly or make it as a face mask.

Treating acne

The second use of guava for skin is to help treat acne. These properties are due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects in guava leaves, as well as the content of vitamin K which helps treat acne, fade dark spots, and eliminate skin discoloration. To get this benefit, you can apply guava leaf extract to your face area.

Improve memory
Guava fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals which are good for your brain health. For example, the B vitamins and potassium in this fruit can help improve circulation to the brain. Both of these nutrients can improve cognitive function, including concentration and memory. Meanwhile, its antioxidant content can help nourish your brain.

Treating dengue fever

Benefits of guava for dengue fever (dengue fever) of course you have often heard. The findings from several studies show that guava leaf extract can inhibit the growth of the dengue virus, prevent bleeding in DHF sufferers, and increase platelets. Not only the leaves, red guava fruit or juice also has properties to help cure dengue.

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