WEEKLY CONTEST WEEK 11 - Poetry Game | Our meeting by josegonzalito

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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It's Friday, the weekend begins, it seems like it will be the same.
But I feel that it will be different, I am convinced that among so many things, only one will make it special.
And I cling to the certainty of knowing that there is the remote possibility that our times will synchronize and I can find you.
I want to think that it is destiny, that there is a divine force that drives us and attracts us, that this encounter will occur the moment the wise time decides to approach us, fulfilling its plan already written.
And so, every day I always prepare, you never know when it will happen.
But this weekend is different, I am sure that the moment is approaching and my heart confirms it with each accelerated beat.
The hour is approaching, I know it will be very soon ...
and I am ready for that moment of colliding with your gaze and seeing you in the eyes, I have already gathered up the courage and although I do not have the words, I know that the universe conspires to materialize the meeting.
I have already seen the signs, so I only have to act and introduce myself, because I know that tomorrow you will be at your rehearsal on Saturdays at ten minutes to eleven, and I will be there waiting for you because I know the time has come.

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Grateful for the initiative to organize this contest.

See you on the top @dobartim

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