Adventure is Here Where You Read! 📚

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Covid-19 blocks us from being active. If everything would be like the former, getting more new life experiences could be possible. But in this case, we have an almost stable life. It is hard to meet new people because we are concerned about the virus. The concerts, cinemas, theatres, parties, crowded meetings, museum trips etc. turned into "good old times".

It is a super boring feeling not to collect new stories. But there is a way to break the chain, we can still go on adventures via books. Books provide us to meet different people and various stories.


We can have ideas about answers to many questions. Even better, new questions arise in our minds. For example:

  • What is it like to live in big metropolitan cities? What is it like to live in a small town?
  • If we are disabled or extreme athletes, how does it feel to be like this?
  • What is it like to live in an occupied country?
  • What is it like to be in prison?
  • What is it like to go on a world trip?
  • How is it to be famous?
  • What is it like to live in the South Pole or in the desert?


  • We can make a homosexual friend and a heterosexual friend. Also, we can have a polygamist friend or a virgin friend.
  • We can experience both selfishness and sacrifice.
  • We can meet hateful characters and warmhearted characters.
  • For sure, we can meet the various styles of love stories.


I bought this famous tragedy of Shakespeare. There are many lives that we can not experience all of them but books are ready to tell us many of them. I am ending my article with this sentence.


Let's make your life more Colourful with reading

Thank you for reading my post 😊



This is unrelated to the more important messages you are currently creating, but I thought I might mention a couple of things related to books.

I recently heard about a study that looked at things that were predictors of success. Why do people go on to higher education and career success? You might think that it is genetics or access to better schools. They found the top predictor was the number of books found in a person's home.

A second bit of trivial. It is almost impossible to find books fundamental to Western society's growth - especially if they are not contemporary. Libraries can only hold so many books. You may be familiar with this site, but if not, I encourage you to explore this site: Once you register on the site, you have free access to borrow books. It also includes movies and audio.

It is a really interesting study, especially I was surprised by its result. I can understand why I am still studying😄 Thank you very much for this site advice. Actually, I didn't know it. It will be useful for me 🤗

Some of the media you need to "borrow". A good example of this that is also representative of Canada is "Never Cry Wolf". A distant relative wrote it of mine. You can borrow it for an hour at a time. You do so by logging into the site. It doesn't cost anything; it is like borrowing from a library.

When I was a child, I collected Classic Illustrated comics. My sister was four years younger and collected Classic Illustrated Junior comics.
If you know of some children who are in the process of learning to read English (or adults who want to become familiar with English literature by looking at the pictures), they can be found on Archive as well:


There is a library of different types of movies. Here is a classic comedy from 1936


Wow, you have a writer relative, it must make you feel good. Because of this, I searched about Farley Mowat. Also, I learned that he was an environmentalist. Actually, I didn't know him but he is famous so I wanna read his book to meet him. This archive service is quite a nice system for accessing. Thank you I find it beneficial 😊👌

My mother, Betty Warrilow, is a published writer as well. Her areas were in genealogy and history.

Excellent write up.
Books have very positive impact on human psychology.
Books create consistency in human.

Thank you @sohail9286 😊 I agree with you. Books affect us positively in many aspects.

It is true, we cannot live it all, although I would like to, I hope technology will one day allow it through virtual reality. Maybe you like realism, you could check authors like Henry Miller and Charles Bukowski, the first writes novels, the second poems and short stories, they write their lives.

Hi @freetrading, thank you for your suggestions that include important writers. I am gonna pay attention to your recommendations 😊

I invite you to read the most outstanding poet of my country, Ecuador, I share a fragment of my favorite poem by him, I will publish the complete poem in an article.

Fragment of the poem "My soul on your lips" by the South American poet from Ecuador, Medardo Ángel SIlva:

"Because my thoughts are full of the tenderness
with which you enslaved me in that happy hour,
far from your gaze, they are as sad as a child,
that sleeps while dreaming of your murmuring voice.

To envelop you in kisses, I long to be the wind.
And I wish to be all which your hand touches.
To be your smile, even be your very breath,
all just to be closer to your lips."

In its original form, it is in the Spanish language and is written like this:

"Porque mi pensamiento, lleno de este cariño
que en una hora feliz me hiciera esclavo tuyo.
Lejos de tus pupilas es triste como un niño
que se duerme soñando en tu acento de arrullo.

Para envolverte en besos quisiera ser el viento
y quisiera ser todo lo que tu mano toca;
ser tu sonrisa, ser hasta tu mismo aliento,
para poder estar más cerca de tu boca."

Wow, this is a very soulful poem and he formed it profoundly. I pretty liked it. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us 😊


I really like the poetry of my country and all of Latin America, it has a lot of feeling. Have you read poets from Latin America, for example Pablo Neruda?

Yes, of course, I really like Pablo Neruda. Also, I know Gabriela Mistral and Alfonsina Storni. I like that Latin American poets have a passion for freedom.

It makes me happy you like Latin American poetry. I'll give you my email to talk jajaja

[email protected]

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