Friday activity

in Steem Schools5 years ago


My Friends , this is the atmosfer of the school where I teach. My school is located on the outskirts of the city so the atmosphere is still similar to rural nature. The air is fresh and cool. Moreover, my school is surrounded by rice fields, so the atmosphere is still quiet and calm, far from the noisy voices.

Sahabat semua, beginilah keadaan sekolah tempat saya mengajar. Sekolah saya terletak di pinggiran kota sehingga suasana nya masih mirip dengan alam pedesaan. Udaranya segar dan sejuk. Apalagi sekolah saya dikelilingi oleh persawahan penduduk sehingga suasana nya masih lengang dan tenang jauh dari suara ribut dan bising.


My friends, Like the previous Friday, every Friday morning at my school there was a Qur'an recitation event which was attended by all students and teachers. The participants gathered and sat in the school yard and read the Holy Qur'an together.

Sahabatku, Seperti hari-hari Jumat sebelumnya, setiap Jumat pagi di sekolah saya diadakan acara pengajian Al Qur'an yang diikuti oleh seluruh siswa dan guru-guru. Para peserta berkumpul dan duduk di halaman sekolah dan membaca kitab Suci Al Qur'an bersama-sama.


The event is starts at 7.30 in the morning. The students seemed very enthusiastic about participating in this religious activity. After the event the students and teachers sat cross-legged to listen to religious speeches from the designated teacher. Religious speech felt very important at this time. This is due to the morals and attitudes of the students who are getting worse due to the development of technology which is destructive to the younger generation. Hopefully with this event further improve the morals of students to become students who are educated and responsible.

Acara dimulai Jam 7.30 in the morning. Para siswa terlihat sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan ini. Setelah acara selesai para siswa dan guru duduk bersila untuk mendengarkan pidato keagamaan dari guru yang ditunjuk. Ceramah keagamaan dirasakan sangat penting saat ini. Hal ini disebabkan karena akhlak dan sikap dari para peserta didik yang semakin hari semakin tidak baik akibat semakin berkembangnya teknologi yang bersifat merusak generasi muda. Semoga dengan adanya acara ini semakin memperbaiki akhlak para siswa menjadi seorang siswa yang terdidik dan bertanggung jawab.


Ana and entire family wishes you best here in our community

Thank u.

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