Say no to idleness!

in Steem Schools3 years ago
Unemployment rate in developing countries can be very high that people in developed countries can never relate with. The youths in the developing countries are having their prime years wasted away and there is little they can do to help themselves. Different youth take different approach to solving their idleness.

Source: pixabay

Man was not designed to be idle, he is an organic machine that needs to get things done in order to achieve a certain result. If you want to fell happy, you don't just control an organ in you r body like in the case of sneezing, you have to get up and get up in a fun activity like sports, traveling, watching movies, listening to music, exercise or even sex. If you want to get beautiful skin, you need to go out, get products and apply to your skin. You need to watch and modify your diet, exercise and wear clean clothing. If you want to loose weight, you've got to hit the gym. Everything man intend to achieve has one or two activities that paths the way to such destination.

Being idle however is against man's original design, so when man chooses to do nothing, he begins to acquire a lot of regressive growth. His minds begins to regress , his body gains weight, his liver, kidney and other vital organ tone down their activities and possibly, he begins to entertain bad thoughts. These thoughts can be demoralizing and depressing. When a person becomes jobless, sits at home and look distressed. His idleness further add to his depression and he can't easily device a way out of his predicament.

However, going out to get involved in activities helps prevent the mind from roaming a continuous loop around unproductive thoughts. The mind gets distracted and fresh ideas can easily come to mind. Going through a breakup, death of a loved one, lost a job, moved into a new environment? Get out of the house and get yourself involved in something. Go see a musical, go volunteer, play sport, watch people on the street, just anything to prevent you brooding or sitting in a particular sport for hours.

In the introduction of this post, I talked about idleness among youths in developing countries. Most of these youth end up perpetuating crimes- one of the results of idleness. They participate in cult activities, steal, rape and all sort of self incriminating things. Some become depressed and even take their lives. But rather than have themselves do nothing, they could get involved with sports, homesteading, graphics design, cryptocurrency among other things. Just anything that requires their commitment and dedication.

Studies have shown that after several service years, when employees retire, they face the challenge of making use of their excess free time. These post retirement years can be very long, boring and depressing. That is why it is vital to be well prepared for retirement. Most retired people go start their own business., some explore childhood hobbies and some travel round the word (the world is so big one would be cheated living in just one part of it). In fact, it is in a modern world that people retire, the old world never used to be. Not retiring gives you a purpose for life and elongates your life.

So how do you spice up your life?
Simple, get something that requires your accountability. Join a church or religious organization, play sport, exercise, visit hospitals and prison as a mental support officer, go to events, travel around the world, learn about cultures, learn a new language to intermediate level, learn new musical instrument, cook your meals, clean the house, join a fight, do the laundry. This list is not exhaustive. Just get reasonably busy.

I hope you gain a thing or two from my post,

Thank you.


Unemployment is a blessing in disguise. It grants us the opportunity to work on skills and things that we are passionate about. People fail to realize this because they do not regard time as a resource in the first place.

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