Emotions ( Poem ) || I :m Okay

in Steem Schools3 years ago

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I 'm Okay
You know, there's this thing and it happens quite often

This thing where we'll be asked how we are and our automatic response is

I'm Okay

Now sometimes it's true but other times that I'm okay

Is covering up the fact that I've had restless nights

Breaking moments,
Worries on top of worries and I hate to say it even suicide througts

But to you,to a stranger ,a teacher ,a classmate a friend

Even my mother
I'll say I'm Okay
I don't want to be put into this box , into this label

We're I'm know as that sad and depressed person no one wants to be around

I'll fake a smile if I have to

Laugh, be as friendly as possible ,and act like I know what the hell I'm doing

Maybe if I pretend on those really bad days
I'll start to feel like I'm actually okay

You know, fake it until it feels real
It sounds crazy , silly , but we all do it sometimes

I just happen to do it more often than others
Muster up some energy from who knows where and use it in order to function

To keep a conversation going
To feel like I'm not out of place

I feel my heart beating , my chest moving ,and I know that I'm alive

And yet I sigh

Because I feel like I'm not meeting this quota that I need to fulfill

I meet your eyes and give a Friendly wave
While inside I feel a horrible weight crushing me down

Shaky hands and sporadic thoughts that remind me of all the things I fear,

I Question,
I wonder
I try to avoid
Buy hey, I'm okay

The sun has come up and has given me others day

So I'll play

I'll play the part when it's not really there
Look joyful, full of life Look like someone that has the word in their Hands

I'm okay

Is what I'll say
So no one will see the hurricane
That is slowly coming my way


Thank you 💞.


Thanks for the support



Well done on wining the contest.

I've just read your poem and i can see why @dobartim picked yours out. It's heartfelt, honest and pure.

Thank you for liking and appreciating my poem. Your words are very special to me🥰

Wow its really a good poem

Thank you so much

Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of yourself... ❤️

I'm glad you liked my poem 😊 thanks for visiting .

I am OK, Congrtulation

Yeah 😊 I am okay,

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I respect you and your poems from the bottom of my heart I was very encouraged to read your poems and I thought about writing poetry💕🎁

 3 years ago 

This is very true but they call it self-esteem for a reason it's the Steem of yourself. People these days depend on others to make them happy this is a wrong mental structure, reason why suicide levels are so hi... Congratulations 👏 your article is one of a kind @dobartim has chosen well.

I can understand you. I value your words. You are right. I just think that no matter what happens, no matter what the time in life. Good or bad, a person should never give up. This is life and life does not come again and again, so value your life and the people around you. Give them enough love to get the word suicide out of their lives🙂

 3 years ago (edited)

I have so much to say but can I? I mean say it cause I may just say anything to cut our conversation short...

🙂 yes

 3 years ago 

You are one of a kind 🛫 I have made this video based on our topic I hope you watch it. Sometimes the people in power are none the wiser and will just take advantage even though they could have done better hen's they are the ones put in power please drop me a comment tell me what you personally think...

I liked your video. Are right, I agree.What i think Please read my post for this. I hope you like it.

And thank you so much for like my poem 😊

 3 years ago 

As I am reading this I feel like I owe you atleast a piece of calm it's like lately a few of your post express a certain level of depression, I don't know but is there something wrong? Please don't forget the people that do good upon you as you would be one to make someone really appreciate life and your existence one day, meaning I am not the only one that would be happy having you by my side your special keep up the good work 🥀 speak your mind and know we are reading.

I realized it's not always that a person can really express what they really feel in words hen's you have to go with atleast how close the words you write come to what you are really feeling. Blessed day sweetheart @ayeshagul

Oh my god ... this really hit me. what can i say? don´t even know where to start. I´ve been there so many times, it´s almost like i live there always ... this makes me remember a phrase by Nirvana´s singer Kurt Cobain who said: If my smile showed the depths of my soul, many people would cry with me when they saw me smile... i´ve always felt identified with those words ... this poem is very good and a deep reflection ¡congratulations! and God bless you

Thank you for your kind words dear friend💕

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