Few Suggestions For Growing A New Business Well [ My Own Views ]

in Steem Schools3 months ago

Hello and welcome all the readers and authors of this community dedicated to business and finance.

Its good to be back after a few months of time and discuss about issues that would pose values upon what we do in our productive life concerned with economic activities.

There are a wide range of businesses that are happening all across the internet and the online platforms since the age of digitalization has taken place. Now we are in decentralized web3 era where we have far too many options to choose how a business would be operated and look like.


The internet is an entity that has many unique potential to provide sources and opportunities for every willing heart that need support to raise their own business standards . Entrepreneurship is much more easy then the past and to conduct business operation has been facilitated using the many tools available .

I would like to bring forth the idea that, while in economic outlook - the world is moving faster then ever with the magic of capitalism, in terms of wealth accumulation, it is no wonder that to what extent one can store wealth, utilize them and make the assets grow by itself by simply manipulating and operating them in many ways, added with innovation and crafted designs.

Yesterday in my blog, I talked about how investment can be a fact of study and analysis of many tokens and currencies, looking into the market and its variables, how it is moving and making so many of the shares lose their positions. There are people who added value to their tokens and others who have lost a few percentile.

So whats in common for losing and winning and be an inseparable part of the game played on ?

The common thing is whether we lose or we win, we tend to learn from mistakes. Starting from every little initiative to the bigger prospect, counting on every dime or penny to the dollars that make sure to stabilise business growth. Now, major to minor companies have been experimenting to increase their asset by means of holding public interests and advertisement means.

I suppose that you have a super shop where you invested real time money into the stream to develop the project, build the infrastructure and decorate utensils and store keepers, employed a few salesperson for the operation of the stores. You have all the products that you want to sell and the shop is near a market where people can readily access and buy whatever they want.

Now what are the problems that can be solved and created a new approach to raise the standards of selling ?

Well, there are few of the approaches that can be made to boost up performance of the shop.

  • Advertise Well- The super shop that you built using the already capital you have, for example - an amount of $5000 to transform it from a barren land to an attractive shopping outlet, if people dont know about your brands, they simply wont try to buy it. Because the customers dont know about the quality of the products your shop offers.

Advertisement is one thing that should be carefully checked for all the business person for many reasons. As I mentioned the fact that some of the other companies have already focused on publicizing their brands.

I would like to exemplify in this instance that, when a new smartphone company first came to local market of my locality, the first thing it did was to let people use and know about what things that can be offered by new products.

After a few years of time, when they succeeded in letting people know about the product, 80% of the publicity been accomplished ; they created a large base of people with favourite choice to buy the brand. Market capture was acquired using the technique, although the primal investment in the project of advertising cost them 20%-30% of the capital, but in return after a few years they got the value back.

Now what that tells is to adopt some certain policies that can help to bring the desired result back. I guess it can work for you to, if you have similar type of methods to choose and quest for new or already built in business to run.

We will talk about more of it later on and till then lets say good bye for the time being. All the best and I wish you a very good luck, 👍

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