Does the Etiquette Need To Be Maintained Or Practiced? 🎓

in Steem Schools3 years ago

Hello! Welcome back and welcome to the ultimate school of fashion mumbler. This is something I've been meaning to do as a small series for some time now, maybe I've watched too much Downton Abbey and too many crowns, but with the amount of time we've spent socializing online, and frankly, the lack of socializing over the past year, I thought now would be an excellent time to do a little refresher on the etiquette guidelines when it comes to it.

Etiquette is really just respect is how you treat others who represent you, represent your character, although I will share some daily etiquette rules for living your day with kindness, and respecting and exhibiting sophisticated and refined behavior.

The tips that I will share in today's article are all very simple and easy to follow. Most of these things you probably already know have been done. But it's something our parents taught us. But maybe we can do it with a little refresher.

So I was wondering if this is something you'd be interested in reading more about. I would like to delve deeper into certain topics, such as dining etiquette, travel etiquette, these are just a few examples. But I've done some writing along these kind of lines. So I'm going to start a mumbler fashion school.

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Okay, so let's start with the most obvious. And it uses words like please Thank you, and thank you. And this is not only in real life, but also online. This is your first way of showing kindness and respect to others. So of course if you ask for something, then you use the word please.

Can I have anything else besides that? If someone gives you something in return, you say thank you.

Oh, thank you, Maria has been through the traffic jam. And thank you is the typical response after someone says thank you. Thanks for clearing the traffic jam, Maria. You're welcome, Annie.

It is a very good idea to practice these basic manners throughout everyday life. Whether you order an oat milk latte at Starbucks, or order a delicious English Breakfast tea at the Ritz. Basic manners like this never get old.

The second basic mentoring rule to follow every day is another very simple rule. And it just greets people whether you're walking down the street to say hello, good morning to passersby, you're walking your dog, you're at the supermarket, people are using the phone a lot these days or listening to music. . But just by smiling and greeting someone, it is the easiest way to show kindness even to strangers.

People like to feel recognized just by saying good morning to someone with a cheerful smile as an instant way to make someone feel acknowledged to feel a little better about themselves and have to say, this is something Charlie is really really good at. Even if we just walk the dog, he will say that he will wish someone a very cheerful good morning in the village. And then they would engage in lively conversation as if they had known each other for years.

I must say that it was very useful to get to know new people when we moved to a new village. So according to bad boy, who is basically a British professional authority on etiquette and behavior, there is actually a proper way to greet someone I now don't know but of course when I greet someone I say "Hello, Nice to meet you". That's what feels natural to me.

But it turns out that Brett doesn't think it's proper etiquette to meet someone because honestly, if you've just met someone, how do you know if it's fun to meet him or not? They can be very terrible people.

So actually the correct etiquette when greeting someone for the first time is Hello. How are you? How do you mean it sounds really smart. It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but this is the correct etiquette of how to greet someone the first time you meet them.

Another very easy example of kindness. And that's just to say bless you when people sneeze, turn towards you. But if I'm in a public space, and I'm sneezing, and nobody's saying, bless you, I'm like, Come on, show someone, a little kindness. And of course, if you sneeze and someone says "Bless you", the true Escott will say, thanks to the person who said, "Bless you, I'm telling you some very basic tips.

To me, I think it's very basic, but it really surprises me how often I see people not doing this. And to be honest, what really bothers me is opening the door for people. Even if people are behind you for a while, even if they don't have their hands full, it's always the best thing to do to keep the door open for someone.

Again, it all boils down to kindness and respect. And holding the door open for someone is just one of those little things.

Once they are big enough and have the strength to open the door. That is something I will teach them. My son and daughter.

No matter how young you are, it's always the most polite thing to do to open a door for someone, this might cause a bit of controversy in the comments, feel free to voice your opinion.

But if I'm dating a guy, and he doesn't open the door for someone, that's going to be a big problem for me just because it shows a lack of respect for the people around you. Let me know what you think about it in the comments below. And I want to know your overall opinion, on this rule of etiquette, do you think it is ancient, where do you think it is important for us to maintain this tradition? Personally, like I said, I really think it matters.

We have lost so many basic politeness skills because most of our socializing is done online and of course, not socializing this year. So I think it's really important that we just have this in our minds. But let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Now what I mean is if someone barges into you at the supermarket, first of all, now, social distancing, I really hope that doesn't happen.

But maybe while you're driving. If someone cuts in in front of you, gives someone Grace to be nice and respectful and doesn't suddenly get very angry, don't suddenly yell at people, the best thing to do is take a deep breath, stay calm and be nice no care how people treat you to be vindictive, and full of anger is the opposite of being a nice person and also always carries the burden of anger and frustration. This is not a good way of life. So it must be good to practice in our daily lives.

Examples of ethics at home that we can practice now. And that's another very simple one, not yelling at people from other rooms in the house.

If you have guests, this can make your guests feel very uncomfortable. And it's not a good habit to find yourself personally involved, if anyone in my house is yelling at me from another room, I just pretend I didn't hear it, I completely ignore it to try to get people out of the screaming habit. from room to room.

My last tips all have to do with how we interact with other people how to be a little more interesting in your conversations in your interactions with other people. Hopefully, if you put these little tips into practice, they can make the person you're talking to feel a little more confident. And it makes you feel more confident in the process too.

So it's really about making the person you're talking to feel comfortable. Let them feel good. Let them feel confident about the interactions you have with them.

There are so many distractions in the world today. Whether it's things that just took over, in our minds, maybe you're chatting with them, but you're quietly thinking about what time you should start cooking dinner, or what emails you need to respond to. For this very rarely. And in fact, I'm sure many of you reading this are not paying full attention to this post. You may remove your makeup, you may iron, the point is to get someone's full attention. this day and age is very rare.

So it feels really good when you have the attention of someone's soul. And one of the best ways you can do that is to be genuinely interested in what the person you're talking to is saying.

So there are a few things you can do to really make it happen. Of course, make eye contact with the person you are talking to. It's one of my pet annoyances if I talk to someone and I'm totally engaged, look them in the eye but their eyes seem to dart around the room maybe they are trying to strake themselves or maybe they I don't know, trying to find someone more interesting in the room to talk to.

How unattractive that feeling is and how unpleasant it can feel for you as a person, when I talk to someone, I want them to feel good, I want them to feel so confident that it makes the whole conversation better for everyone.

Another thing you can do to make people feel good is to lean physically and physically with your body. rely on conversation.

I've already said this, but your conversation should aim to spend 80% of the conversation listening, and only 20% of the conversation talking.

Think of it this way, you will get more out of a conversation by listening. You can learn about people you can learn about their experiences, instead of talking, you know everything about yourself.

So why not spend more time listening and learning during conversations? If I think about the most successful people I know who are actually quite quiet, they will often sit in the corner just listening, listening to the conversation. So the next time you have a face-to-face or online conversation with someone, ask them questions, and not just interview style, ask lots of different questions, but ask questions and be interested in answers that will not only satisfy someone. attention, but also your interest.

Think back to the last time you spoke to someone and they truly gave you not only their undivided attention, but their undivided interest as well. How great do you feel?

Related to social interaction. And that is remembering people's names. The first time you meet someone really pay attention really try to remember that person's name on something you can do, if it helps you to remember is to ask how to spell it. Obviously, this depends on the name.

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If it's anything like I don't know, Sophie, but asking someone how to spell their name is a really good way to remember. Sometimes what I want to do is remember another person or a famous TV or movie character with that name and try to think of some similarities. Or you can include the person's name in as many conversations as possible. And it's also something you can do, which again, will show kindness, show consideration, and allow the other person to enjoy the conversation more as well.

People like to hear their own name. So try to fit their name naturally into the conversation, for example. Gosh, Sophie, I'm so glad you mentioned that. Or, oh, Helen, tell me again. How do you do it?

It does take a little practice, but trust me, it makes you a very good person if you put their name into the conversation. When you have a conversation with someone to share the kind of words I want to do this at the beginning of the conversation immediately makes people feel very comfortable in the conversation with charm by sharing compliments.

For example, you can say something encouraging, say something motivating. Maybe they are looking for a job or they are trying to achieve something. Try saying something a little motivating.

Or maybe you can compliment them on something they wore, something they did recently, or maybe something they said for example, maybe Oh, Friday, I find it really interesting when you say blah, blah, blah. It was girls my age, often I would compliment something they were wearing. It can even be something as small as their nail polish and fragrance.

But of course it must be original, it should not seem forced in the slightest. Today, I discovered that when Charlie and I strolled through the village more often than not if we were walking past someone's house and we saw them in the garden, they would compliment them on a rose bush, pruning, or something to do with their home. It really depends on the circumstances but a kind word doesn't cost anything and it can really make one's day.

So that's a high level of basic etiquette that we can practice every day. I hope you find this interesting. I hope you're excited for more etiquette writing here. This is just a top-level introduction just to gauge interest, but like I said, I plan to do it specifically about eating etiquette.

I want to do one about modern etiquette for example, social media and things like that. I want to do it when the time is right. Other topics please let me know, of course I have some writing on how to dress properly.

But yes, hopefully useful, that's all from me for today. Very good. Thank you very much for reading. See you in the next post.



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