Small Python School #3

in Steem Schools2 years ago (edited)

Small shool, копия (3).png

We continue to study Python. Small Python School, lesson 3.

The daily rate is 14-15 minutes.


  1. Special cascade branching. If - never.
  2. Library turtle (turtle); From the logos language.
  3. The volume of standard libraries is huge. Everything can be found on the main python site
  4. Def - creating a function, name def Name(): and then the text of the function without
  5. Therefore, it is important to observe the "beauty" of the dough.
  6. The first barrier - to teach a person to move the movement of the execution of commands. So that a person learns to associate commands with actions.
  7. The second is functions, decompositions.
  8. Third - data structures.
  9. Further - algorithms.
  10. Python's Golden Foundation - the world of names and the world of objects. Objects do not depend on names, this is called the reference data model in Python. The name is a reference to an object.
  11. Type - belongs to the object, not the name. Python's logic is such that there are no variables. There are mutable objects and immutable objects.
  12. Objects in Python are created during the calculation.

The daily rate is 1/2-1/3 lessons.


  1. int - integer 0 250 -42
  2. float - real number 5.0 -83.32
  3. str - character string, quotes are single or double, you can make multi-line text - for this, you need to put 3 quotes in a row at the beginning and at the end.
  4. bool - boolean type (true/false)
  5. True False must be capitalized
  6. type - find out the type of the object
  7. Types can be converted into one another, convert types.
  8. To get an integer from a string, it is enough to wrap the string value in the int function.
  9. From numeric to string - str(555);
  10. Not assignment, but binding.
  11. An object that is not referenced by any name is removed from memory.

First lesson:
Second lesson:

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Thanks for studying.
Thank you for your attention.
Have a good day!


Hi, Thanks for the message. We just voted for your witness. Hope you will vote for us :) @tomoyan.witness
Thank you

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much!
I voted for @tomoyan.witness now :)

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