Greetings from this side of the world. My name is @admuji. Today I want us to take note of somethings about tagging a user as a plaigiraist. Most of us especially those who are participating in the plaigiraism Contest organised by @tatjanastan are victim including me.
I login today and I saw that @tatjanastan has already extended the contest. The reason why she extended it is best known to her, but in my opinion she shouldn't have done so, even if she wants to do that she should just announce it in the next Contest.
That was not even the main reason I am writing this morning, before I go deep into my discussion I want you guys to know this
In this my article I don't mean to offend anyone or discourage anyone. I know you all have put up a great work to search for Plagiarised content. I just want to clear somethings and also want you guys to understand somethings
We all need to understand something, take for instance @oadissin few days ago complained about people discovering more 100+ plaigiraised content, he said @tatjanastan don't usually cross-check. That most of those people are doing it because of the reward. Well the truth this he is 100% right. Most of us are only doing it because of the reward that is why most of them lie and post fake plaigiraised content and they won't tag @endingplagiarism, maybe because they think endingplagiarism will exposed them.
Let leave that aside, I was really surprised this morning when I check @oadissin entry , cause few day ago when I checked his entry he only found 5 plaigiraised content but today he has gotten more than 150+ plaigiraised content.
I was very surprised and confused at the same time. I was wondering the type of tools he is using, is it a special tools?... Or is there a bot or app that discovered plaigiraism in just one click.... . Or he is a magician or there is shortcut for checking plaigiraism?... All these was the thought running through my mind
So I decided to take a look at his entry.
These are the things I noticed in his entry;
- I discovered that most of the plagiarised content are of the same users.
And that doesn't even count since it from the same user, it will be counted as only one.
- I also discovered that some of the users you tagged as plaigiraist properly referenced and cited the source links.
- You have tagged the same users as plaigiraist more than two (2) times and this is totally wrong.
The problem is that we all don't understand the full meaning of Plaigiraism, you will notice sometimes, endingplagiarism will never tag a user that properly cited the source link. We need to make research and confirm before you tag a user as plaigiraist. You don't just tag anyone as plaigiraist because you find 50% plaigiraised content using small tools or any other Plagiarism checker.
Let me tell you my own side of the story, the first time I saw this contest, I don't really know how to check a content if it contain plaigiraism or not.
So I took my time to make some research, download some YouTube videos on how to Check for Plaigiraism.
There are some tools, small tool checker, duplicate and so on. There are also some Advance tools Grammarly (Premium account).
With all this above tools, you can easily check for Plaigiraism but you can't tag the victim as a plaigiraist. You need to confirm the source very well, even after using the tool you still need to confirm it. The tools only check duplicate text, so you need to take a closer look and be very careful before tagging the victim as a plaigiraist.
That is why I usually showered praise to endingplagiarism and his team they are doing a great job.
In my own entry I spent almost 8 hours on the platform looking for plaigiraised content, I only find 5 and out of those 5, and the fact is that out of those 5 only 3 are confirmed by endingplagiarism. That is to say the rest are not valid.
Final Words
In conclusion, we all want to make Steemit platform a better place, we want to scrub plaigiraism, but the truth is we need to be very careful before tagging the victim as a plaigiraist, even after using the tools we still need to double check before we conclude and tag the victim as plaigiraist.
This is not only for @oadissin it is for everyone, I check all the entries and most of you were either using the same person or wrongly tagging a user as a plaigiraist. But the main reason I focused on @oadissin was because he was one of those guys that complain about people discovering more than 100+ content
My advice is that next time you made your entry, you should tag endingplagiarism, the endingplagiarism team will confirm your entry and also advice you on what to do, they will also confirmed plaigiraised content will be visited and flagged them and send the reward back to the pool.
We are not doing it because of the contest reward, we are helping endingplagiarism team to fight this bad act and together we will make steemit a better place. (Plaigiraism free platform).
Note You guys have really done a great job like I said in the beginning I didn't mean to discourage anyone or offend anyone.
Thank you for understanding
I have set @endingplagiarism 50% of the reward from this Post for all their hardwork to scrub this evil art
Thank you for your contribution to the subject.
I was expecting to see evidence of the mistakes you highlight in your long post. I usually make more than 100 posts when I found that the authors haven't followed the rule regarding citation and reference in his/her posts if it is one time or Xtime. The authors violation of the rules has to be mentioned and I brought the evidence in my publication stopplagiarism. I was really disappointed when I saw evidence of my entries supporting your claims in the current post.
I have not complained about what you mentioned above. Please show some evidence.
I have proposed to @tatjanastan useful methods to avoid counting similar links in diverse entries on checking days by coding our addition link submitted and I showcase this in my last entry in the contest.
Please, I would like you to provide some evidence where I haven't tag endingplagiarism.
I agree that we should be careful when we tag authors as plagiarists but I am not forcing one author to plagiarised contents into his four posts (for example) made in less than twenty-four hours.
I would like to learn advanced ways to improve my skills in this contest. Therefore it will be interesting to present some evidence from my entry that is wrongfully tagged as plagiarism and we will discuss it.
cc: @ademuji
I don't need to show any evidence. Am just surprised how you have discovered 152 plaigiraised content in less that 9 days..
Because as at the 7th days I checked your entry and you only have discovered 5 Plaigiraised content but when I rechecked yesterday You now have 157 plaigiraised content.
How did you do that.. am still suprise