Poetry Game Contest: Week 9 by @abu78 : Outside The Limits

in Steem Schools3 years ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone here on this noble pltform, I am much delighted to share my poem entry for this weeks' contest.



How did you face it?

When the challenges suddenly broke violently on your happy trial

How did you welcome it?

Did you stand on your feet to fight against it?

Or did you go down on your knees surrendering to its defeat?

There lies the blooming roses you wish to own for yourself

In the middle of wild thorns

You venture to pluck it, but it keeps poking you

What do you do then?

Do you give up on your quest or keep pursuing your dream?

How did you tackle your past failures?

The betrayals and unexpected disappointments?

Did you heal- or you’re still blaming yourself?

If the situation happens again, how will you approach them?

Why do you let the lies of your critics hold you back?

Why do you pave way for their feeble thoughts to settle in your mind and heart?

It’s better to try; Dare to do

For those who dare to do, do! Fall down, be defeated

Yet come up with a cheerful smile; you’re not a coward

Bravely you, when you’re beaten and tossed aside by life,

Don’t be ashamed!

Fall harder and bounce higher above the skies

In life, it’s not the hurt, the pains or the humiliations that count

But how you handle them and the lesson you learn

If you’re holding on till the end

Or get tormented by endless troubles, but refuse to give up

Or get beaten terribly to the ground, but refuse to lie flat

You’ve served your part in the world of men,

Be proud of your scars.

Special Appreciataions to;

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