ecoTrain QOTW #22 🦜 If you could choose, what would you incarnate as in your next life❓

in R2cornell4 years ago


In response to @EcoTrain ‘s reincarnation question, I would like to return as a bird for the next life. Read and see why.

Reincarnation In My Culture


In Cambodia there are so many that people believe on Buddhism. We believe in good deeds and good karma and bad karma. Humankind has so much karma, I don’t want to be born as a person again. If I can I don’t want to die and don’t want reincarnation also, because it means life is not real.


In Buddhism, Buddha teach we reincarnate as person or animal there due to our karma. We have a belief that to be born into a human is to have less karma than animal. Buddha say, all life in this world has karma, only a forever death has no karma. We try to make a celebration for the future.

What Would I Reincarnate As?


I really don’t know when I die I will reincarnate what, but if I can select one I want to return as a bird.

Sometimes I wonder this world really have return reincarnation or not? I d onot believe 💯 but I really believe in good deeds 💯.

Why A Bird?


When I was young I think a lot, I want to have wings like a bird and I will fly everywhere I want.

I will leave so far from the people and live in the forest, happy with nature and not care about everything like people do.

Born into humankind gives so many problems in life, I think life like the birds has a lot freedom. If have problems sometimes it’s smaller than people problems.


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Monkey B

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