Don't compare to other

in R2cornell3 years ago (edited)


Don't compare to others

The instructive story of a crow. Which will help change your life. Maybe we're a good one and compare ourselves to it and find ourselves in pain or suffering. But that's not really the case. We should be content with the way God created us, and we should know that we are better off if we study the biography of others.

A crow was not happy with the black color of his body. She is very sad for the black color of her body. One day a saint was passing by. Seeing the crow, the saint asked, "What's the matter with you? Why are you running around like this?"
Then the person with that uncle said you can see how long my skin color no one likes me. I'm not happy with my skin color at all. When I go to people's houses for food and practice music, people chase me away. Then just said-then what do you really want? Then the crow said I want to be like a white duck.

Then the saint said ok I will make you a white duck today but I have a condition. You go to the white duck now and talk to them.

Then the work flew to a group of white ducks. And asked the nurses how they were. Then Has said they are not good because they have a hard time collecting food from the water. They always thought that if they had money like birds, they could fly to the trees and collect fruits and eat them.

Then the saint heard the laughter and said with a smile, "What do you want to be?" Then I will laugh and say that we want to be a pheasant because you may have seen that people eat pheasants with great care.

Then the saint said, "Okay, then go to the pheasant first and find out how he is." Then the duck went to the bird and asked him how he was? Then the pheasants said they were not good at all. Because they have a bound and they have to go the way people manage them. They have no freedom.

Thanks everyone for visiting my post.


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