the benefits of papaya for health by @nadyafaizah

in R2cornell3 years ago (edited)


Papaya, or betic, is a plant native to southern Mexico and northern South America and is now widely grown throughout the tropics. There are several types of papaya on its own. Namely, Hawaiian papaya (slightly round or oblong in shape and ripe, the skin is bright yellow and the flesh is slightly thick and yellow) and California papaya (thick and chewy, the fruit is not too large and tastes good.. Sweet) papayas are nutritious. As an ingredient, it provides many health benefits to humans.

Christopher Columbus even called this fruit "the fruit of an angel" because of its delicious taste and amazing properties. Papaya is not only known as the fruit of angels, it is also widely known as the "power fruit for women." girls. why? The benefits of papaya fruit are very good for women. Want to know what the benefits of papaya fruit for women are? Let's take a look at the next review.

  • The papain enzyme in young papaya fruit is twice that of ripe papaya. This enzyme not only analyzes the proteins in the body, but also promotes complete body metabolism and quickly removes excess fat. However, young papaya berries are not recommended for pregnant women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • Papayas contain forty-eight times more vitaminC than apples. Therefore, papaya fruit can quickly remove toxins from the body and is very good for refreshing the skin. Papaya enzyme can also boost skin metabolism, making your skin appear brighter and more radiant.

  • Papaya fruit is also believed to be very beneficial for breast growth. The intermediate hormones and vitamin A in papaya enzymes can stimulate female hormones to produce more milk in breastfeeding people.

  • For those concerned about hair health, papaya fruit may also help manage dandruff. You can find plenty of shampoos made from papaya ingredients in your local supermarket.

  • Women with irregular menstrual cycles can consume papaya juice to keep their menstrual cycles regular. In addition, the enzymes and other important nutrients in papaya may reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

So, aren't there many natural benefits of papaya fruit? So, from now on, it is a routine to consume papaya fruit from our daily menu to keep the body healthy and healthy.


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