More More Lemon

in R2cornell4 years ago

Hello Everyone☺☺☺

Hope all is good and safe😘😘😘

It's been 3 days since my last vlog has been posted. It is because, I was sick. The last post I had, I've told you their that "I feel like Im going to have a flu" and sad to say I got it.


It was not so easy to get sick nowadays. Because if you gone for a health check up, maybe they would diagnose you that you have a Covid19 virus, because you have those primary signs of covid like flu,cough and cold. Maybe that was also the reason why most of us are scared to got a check up when were sick. So instead of having a check up to the center were looking some other way that can help us cure ourselves. And so for me for those 3 days that Im out I just eat a lot of "lemon" and so far it helps me a lot. Im not totally heal yet, I have still some cough but I dont have anymore fever and cold. And I know Im gonna be okay soon. I will just continue eating lemon. And ofcourse not all lemon. I also take a little medicine. What am I trying to say is that, a lemon is indeed a very big help for my recovery. Thanks also to our dear papa God for he is always guiding me.

That's all for now everyone. Keep safe always. God Bless and Thank you for your unending support to my blog always☺☺😘

truly yours,


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