Unraveling the 2030 Global Agenda: Deals Led by the Powerful.

in R2cornell3 years ago

Unraveling the 2030 Global Agenda: Deals Led by the Powerful.


The paris agreement has a single purpose and that is for countries to commit to emitting a certain amount of greenhouse gases for the future; What is the problem? It is that no country is willing to commit to that, if not all the countries are there, if some country is not willing to commit to that, if not all the other countries are there, no country will commit to That is, if any country leaves, obviously many countries will say - and because I must comply with the agreement -

The point is that there are many countries that advocate precisely for their own nation, such as the United States, under the administration of Donald Trump, because they directly realized there that obviously behind these organizations, behind the fund behind the Paris Agreement There were many people pushing for them to go directly there, they promised to stop emitting, but what is the question that if you look at the history of the United States, the United States has developed by emitting greenhouse gases that is, they they have gotten rich by industrializing and this industrialization has emitted a lot of greenhouse gases.

They know that if some smaller countries want to reach a better state economically, they are going to have to industrialize and therefore they are going to have to emit gases, then obviously the US itself enters there are many people from the private sector who are very interested in that to ideologically submit to the other smaller countries, the problem is that small countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Chile and others, submit precisely to this, because it is that we are not in the conditions of a USA, we are not in the conditions of a China, we are not in the conditions of a European union, we are not in conditions and in fact we are still in process, if we really wanted to be at the economic level From a USA or from China we need to industrialize.

To date, China is the country that is industrializing the most day by day, India is the same and if you see those who are emitting greenhouse gases the most are those two in a "disorderly" way, China and India, and within of china, since it is precisely Xi Jinping himself and others who are pressing for the other countries to circumscribe themselves ideologically, they have the power to subdue the other countries by force but they prefer to do it ideologically, then Xi Jinping, who in his country is the most emits greenhouse gases, it is the one that tells others that they have to stop emitting greenhouse gases, India is exactly the same and in the US there is a sector the Democratic sector and the private sector of California and others They are also very interested in that, because obviously they know that if they subdue other countries there is not going to be competition for them directly in the US, the US has emitted greenhouse gases and is going to continue emitting gas. greenhouse effect, because they know very well that this is practically something necessary, something that is mandatory, even Bill Gates himself in his book has said it on several occasions, that it is most likely that many years will pass and the entities will continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


What happens is that from there from there those spheres, they need to have a very radical vision regarding this, that is, Bill Gates says it - what for you should be the goal in terms of tons of greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere, he is not going to tell him, 20 thousand tons per year, he is not going to tell him that, he is going to tell him 0 zero, he has a radical position with respect to that, because he knows that if he does not show a scaremongering position, an alarmism regarding what was previously known as global warming and that they have changed to climate change and does not show it as that this is an emergency, which will exceed in deaths, for example, the Chinese virus pandemic, it will surpass the pandemic of the Spanish flu in deaths, I have said it directly in your book that global warming is going to generate more deaths than those two plagues united, your book is not written for ordinary people but it is written for heads of state.  

Behind everything, and I would like to make it clear to all people is that there is always something very paradoxical, that is, those people who talk to us about global warming, who are talking about the evils of companies, capitalism and Others are precisely the capitalists themselves, they are those countries that are already industrialized, they are those countries that are there emitting greenhouse gases every day, if in any case the last to enter into that agreement or stop emitting gases would be the countries not industrialized; if in fact the three big Chinese countries, the United States and India stopped emitting all that amount of greenhouse gases, most of their problems would go away; What happens is that obviously they are not going to submit, because they know that if the other countries industrialize they will surpass them and this is generally an economic race, and that is why the Treaty of Paris is precisely the need in which they're all supposedly even but obviously we know that never will.

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