Happy From Within, Without Conditions

in Deep Thoughts4 years ago


Everyone wants to be happy. Not only that, every living thing is naturally motivated to avoid suffering and seek happiness. This is one of the existing laws of nature. Nothing escapes him.

However, many people have the wrong thinking. They seek happiness outside of themselves. Outside of oneself, things keep changing. What previously brought happiness can lead to disappointment later.

For example, we think that money will bring happiness. Money can bring comfort to life, to some extent. However, money, and its value for our lives, will keep changing up and down. It can create tension and greed that bring suffering to both oneself and others.

Relationships with other people are also often a source of happiness for many people. Dear family and friends can indeed bring great happiness. However, both of them are double-edged. They can become a source of trouble and suffering in our lives, especially if our behavior is dashed.

Health can also be a source of happiness. However, people cannot be healthy forever. When a person hopes to always be healthy, he will be disappointed and suffer, when the disease that is sure to visit has indeed arrived. Everyone, without exception, will certainly age, get sick, and die.

In this 21st century, offers of pleasure from all over the world keep coming and tantalizing. Various methods are provided so that people can get instant enjoyment. People also live in the pursuit of pleasure simply to cover up the inner emptiness and loneliness they experience. It takes many forms, from casual sex, non-stop movie shows, instant food to traveling at low cost.

However, everything changes, and so does pleasure. Often, momentary pleasure is paid for dearly. The money, time, and energy spent is so great. Not only that, such momentary pleasures often end in dissatisfaction and suffering.

Suppose eating well. To be able to find delicious and healthy food, we must spend enough money, time, and energy. However, the pleasure provided is only momentary. If you eat too much, stomach upset can also occur.

In Asian thought, this is what is called Dukha. It means dissatisfaction or frustration. Because everything changes, nothing can bring happiness continuously. Humans also tend to feel frustrated, if they continue to seek happiness in the form of momentary pleasures outside of themselves.

A new car will feel bored if you continue to use it. Fancy clothes will be damaged if used. Beauty, good looks, and intelligence will inevitably disappear with time. Abundant wealth will also leave anxiety and greed if not cultivated with the right spirituality.

Life becomes a vicious circle. People pursue pleasures that make them suffer. Feelings of frustration arise. If it is large and lasts a long time, people can lose their sanity, or fall into various forms of addiction, from shopping addiction to sex to drugs.

Throughout history, many people have recognized this phenomenon. They also tried to find a way out of it. The spiritual path is the answer. Spirituality itself transcends religious boundaries.

Spirituality provides a simple answer, that humans can find permanent happiness in themselves. This kind of happiness is not explosive and exciting. It is calm and provides stability. He can be touched anytime and anywhere, as long as people understand how.

The simplest way is to observe the breath gently. Remove all tension. Observe the breath in and out of the nose gently. Gradually, a stable peace will emerge by itself.

Amidst various temptations to find pleasure outside of oneself, this method seems boring. He is old indeed. This approach was invented by Buddhas and Yogis who lived tens of thousands of years ago. However, it has persisted over time, and now provides a lot of inspiration for people who continue to experience frustration in their lives.

One can then sit, breathe, and find happiness, without any conditions. Other forms of happiness and enjoyment are only bonuses. If anything, it is enjoyed. If there isn't, people can sit down, and be happy all by themselves.

Life itself, if you realize it, is enough to provide true happiness. One only needs to direct one's awareness within oneself, either to the breath, to the sensation of the skin, or the sound. This is the essence of meditation. It is free and unlimited for all human beings, without exception.

This understanding solves many problems in human life. People no longer spend time, energy, and money pursuing artificial pleasures that lead to disappointment. Life becomes meaningful, although there may be many challenges ahead. Happy from within, without conditions, this is what all humans must learn.

Greed will disappear. Corruption will be history. The war will end. Heaven doesn't have to wait later, after death, but here and now. What are you waiting for?

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