Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 3 / Make your look a color palette! + Colour Splash, by @sikan-eyen


Hello Everyone,

I am so colour-excited to be taking part in this ' Make your look a colour palette' challenge.

And of course we know that COLOURS ARE MAGICAL. They mean different things to us.


In my entry today, the 2 colours i chose are:

  • Universe

  • Love and Hate


So i chose my theme: Colour Splash

Do not be scared i am not going to be spewing colours all over your face, i would simply be giving you a style of well blended colours in a splash, just stay watchful.



Synopsis: The universe watches, wide-eyed and alert. It stares down with eyes of blues, the shades splashing over the earth in orchestrated goodness. The Universe, my home.



In this pallette i am in all shades of blue, from the darkest shade all the way down.

  • I have on me my dark shaded curly wig; it's really fancy and beautiful and i love to rock it on a blue day such as this.

  • A dark blue shirt over a lighter blue shade of
    jean, blending the Universe palette perfectly.

My dark blue shirt still reminds me of the universe, unwavering and protective, i have my sleeves all down and buttoned on a cold day and on a usual weather i have it folded up to my elbow.



Synopsis: Love and hate are words that have always been, since time immemorial been put side by side, do they complement ? I'd leave you to answer...


  • In this palette of Love and Hate i have my lipstick to the upper shade of the palette.

  • A choking red dress to the subsequent palette.

  • A peach coloured blush on my made-up face.

  • My wristwatch standing in as the second to last layer.

  • And finally the last layer which has the colour to my shoes.


APPRECIATION TO @hive-151446 / @starsofsteem for this colourful theme

I thereby call on my friends to participate:



 2 years ago 

I liked your two looks dear friend, the colors are beautiful, you are a model, blessings and success 💜💜

Thank you dear friend.
Blessings to you.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend @sikan-eyen.

I loved the shades you chose, which means each of the shades of the universe palette where you show the different colors in blue, where it is very beautiful that transmits peace for a radiant day, where you can see your 🤗Color Splash days! 🤗

Note: Recommendation do not forget to comment, vote in each participation of your choice within the ✨Stars of Steem ✨ community to interact with the other participants.

Greetings and a thousand blessings 🤗👍🏻

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Yes i am happy to symbolize my colour palette through my colour splash styles of the Universe & Love and Hate.

Thank you for a timely review, i appreciate your kind words, and i will definitely engage with other participant for that is the aim of this challenge.

Many blessings to you too.

 2 years ago 

You have made an excellent choice of color palettes and you have combined it very well.

Your two outfits are beautiful and you have managed to show it off very well. Congratulations.

Many thanks to you, hoping you enter for this challenge too, Ciao.

Dear @sikan-eyen you are beautiful and I really love your colour splash, its enough inspiration to run to my keyboard and make a post on this colour contest.

I am happy at the compliment, thank you dear, quickly make that post !

Of course, i have got no choice

Thank you for inviting me to participate dear. So happy you could display my best colors blue or black. and the way your smile makes you all colourful in red. nice entry my friend.

👉here's a links to my post as well

A beautiful smile is everything, i am glad you like my style on the 2 selected colour palettes, I will check out yours immediately.


Love of shades ! I still don't really understand much about this post after reading like twice.
Colours are magical and blue to the universe is a palette to none.
Good luck!!🌹

Hello dear, you are to choose 2 out of the 9 palettes chosen.

These 2 you have chosen now, you have to dress up from head to toe with colours you find in the palette in your dressing, makeup hair, anything.

As for me, i just went through my gallery and found those.
I hope you enter soonest.

 2 years ago (edited)

wow! You really captured the color palettes in your outfit, the red dress looks great on you and I know you look very happy in the photographs, apparently making your entrance brought out several smiles.


Thank you so much, so cheerful of you :-)

Looking very beautiful and dashing in all your outfits. You really followed the color pallet theme detailly.
Nicely put together post

Thank you my dear😍

You look beautiful in those photos. Nice volor palettes.
I liked the references about the Universe. People say love and hate are very close, I don't know for sure 🤔

Hahaha, Love and hate are opposites but always dwell in the same place.

Much love to you for liking my colours.

 2 years ago 

Your clothes and clothing are very nice and match very well with the color palettes you selected, you have a very happy vibe, successes

Awwwwwn 😍😍😍😍much appreciation.

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