A Samhain SenryusteemCreated with Sketch.

The veil is thinnest
When we cross the threshold of
Samhain in earnest

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("Peer Beyond the Veil" Digital Media by Me 2020)

Our elders call to us
We can choose to honor them
Inviting them in

As our advocates
And our trusted advisors
They deserve respect

You can ignore them
Even though you can't see them
They still have impact

This is our window
Watch, listen, pay attention
And seek connection

Special thanks to @blancat for inviting me to Join Stars of Steem and to participate in the writing and art contests. I am honored and excited to participate. This, as my first entry in a Stars of Steem contest, includes an original Senryu poem and original art. Both were inspired by how my family treats this esoterically accessible time of year as sacred. I grew up in San Antonio, TX and was strongly influenced a multitude of Dia de los Muertos celebrations as a young man. I treasured the ida that spirits could still impact and be impacted by those of us in mortal form. It morphed into a sense of overwhelming gratitude.

Steemit Erik fire dancing sm.jpg


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