Seeing Through My Eyes by @joelmaxwell

My first post here,
In time, you'll learn that moving an adult human from one point of reasoning to another is often a tedious, insufferable task. Arguments on twitter should give you a hint.

In time you'll learn that people are too comfortable in their perceived truths and resent whatever challenges it. Knowledge as an end in itself died with Greek philosophy.

There are some who will follow your reason; who will agree. But they constitute that percentage of the world that few will miss if they all disappeared.

The world is a noisy place. People prefer to scream. To talk over themselves. They've included volume in their description of language. Yet no one likes to be yelled at.

We live in an age of disparaging dichotomies.

So you who must move a human from one point of reasoning must first recognize the insufferability of this task.

Then you have to remember that volume does little good. The person you're speaking to is automatically put on the defensive when the pitch of your voice is high.

You have to first of all decide if what you want is a confrontation or a conversation.

If the latter is chosen, you must understand that conversation is a two-way thing. I speak, you listen (not hear!) And you speak, I listen.

Perspectives flying in and out.

Mouth saying what eyes have seen, what ears have heard.

The gulf between one perspective & another is only bridgeable with understanding.

Only after seeing through my eyes, seeing through my story, should you dare to tell me what it is I do not see or see wrong.


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