My pet.....

Hello everyone. I am very excited to share with you little about my pet. Even though i have love for all animals but my favourite and best pet is a cat. My first pet was given to me by my father at the age of 10. It has been my favourite since then.


Since then i have had great memories with it. Some of which is it bringing animals that it caught into the house, going out and not returning back home for days. It sometimes gets lazy and deficate or pee in our bed😩 . Had some great time with it. I really love and enjoy it company.

Well my reason for choosing this animal as a pet is that;when you hear the name cat,you immediately envision a creature so independent, cunning, curious, and mysterious.
The animal cat desires freedom in it life, and it hates to be tied down or kept at one place
This is something that a cat enjoys as it is able to roam anywhere it likes, and it has no fear.
A cat is known for being quite agile and able to get its way out of situations due to its flexibility.
The animal cat has a highly perceptive. It is a very intelligent and observant animal. Not like other animals the cat is very observant if only you've noticed that.
The cat is well known of it one behave everyone knows, which is it curiosity.
A cat is known to be a very curious animal, which is as a result of it being brave and not fearful.
It is observant because it spends so much time observing whatever situation it finds it self in.
The cat is independent and not lazy. Which means it does everything by it self. The cat when hungry will go out and hunt or search for food, it wouldn't be sitting there all day long waiting for it owner to return and feed it.
It knows how to make things happen, and it rarely have the need to wait for help.
The cat is very confident in it skin, and it has no problems being with it own kind.
It is naturally sensual, which makes it attractive to people.
The cat is self-assured, clever, watchful, and protective.
The cat can also be secretive and mysterious.
I love my pet very well

I invite @kodua and @five5

 3 years ago 

Saludos @habdallah, muy aventurero e independiente tu gato

Gracias por participar!

Thank you too

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