Gift for Lover

in Boylikegirl Clublast year

Giving Gifts.jpg

Giving gifts to a loved one was, is and will be a wonderful feeling. A gift given to a loved one can express many emotions. I have received several such wonderful gifts in my life and have also given them to loved ones.

Wing-shaped earrings

made by my camera

I gave these earrings to my girlfriend for her sixteenth birthday. She still has them and wears them almost every day. In her family, the wing is a symbol of entrepreneurship, courage and resourcefulness in life. I wanted her to live well and be happy in life. I don't believe it myself, but it's very important to her, so I decided to buy her these earrings. When I was in Germany and saw these earrings, I thought they would be the perfect gift for my girlfriend. When I gave her these earrings, she was very happy and smiling.

Emerald Lion


made by my camera

When I passed my final exams, I was very stressed (now I know that there was nothing to be stressed about). I always collected figurines, I convinced myself that each of them does something and brings something to my life. Of course, it was nonsense, but it helped me overcome some fears and concerns. The day before my graduation, my girlfriend gave me this figurine and told me to convince myself that it would bring me luck and to take it to my graduation. I did it because I couldn't do anything else or think of anything else. On the day of graduation, I took this figurine and it helped. The stress left me and I made it. When I got home I kissed and hugged my girlfriend and thanked her for this wonderful gift. I've been a happier person since then. I look at this figure every day.


Gifts carry feelings and can work wonders. We should give our loved ones such gifts. Let's remember that they can then feel better and happier.
Good always comes back.

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