How do you view the matter of borrowing money

A person may go through difficult stages in his life financially and have difficult situations, and he has no other choice but to borrow to pay off debts or meet a specific need.

When a person dear to your heart turns to you to borrow money, and out of friendship or kinship, you cannot refuse his request, but you have a sincere intention to help him and stand with him.

But you should be well aware that you may not be able to get back the money you loaned him

Especially if the person you loaned money to has never asked you for money and you do not know whether he is a trustworthy person or not.
If you are late in repaying your debts, you cannot say anything to him because you are between two things: either you choose friendship or you choose to return your money from him, even if the amount you loaned is large.

You will find a problem, so you must initially borrow a small amount from someone, even if he does not return it to you, it will not be a problem and consider it a gift from you.

In my opinion, borrowing money is normal if the person is trustworthy and honest with you, but if the opposite is the case, it is better not to accept the request to borrow it from you. In the past, I lent money to many of my friends, but unfortunately they did not return it to me, and I was ashamed to open the issue with them. Perhaps it was exploitation. Some of them, but after I became a mature person, I began to distinguish between honest people and deceitful people, so you must be careful about the issue of a person borrowing money from you, and if you want to lend someone your money, do not risk a large sum because we cannot know what is in people’s hearts and intentions, and whether the person is really there. Is the person who wants to borrow money from you honest or exploitative?


Before borrowing money, one needs to be honest to him or her self to avoid the possibility of indebtedness. I love the way you organized your points..... Good luck with the contest.....,I also participated

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