Unwritten Rules

in Boylikegirl Clublast month (edited)

Who are you to tell me what to do, how to be, love, live and act?


Unwritten means it's nowhere set in stone. Someone made it up and forced the rest to follow, obey and trust this rule is the best way to act. The question is: Best for who? Who will benefit if the average follower is the one making sacrifices?

Rules, who rules reigns, dominates. Again it's about "for the best". The best? Not for the average man. We all have plenty examples of that.

Unwritten rules
Are these the norms and values set by the rulers of the world, the country, province, a city, the community, the family, tv station, the newspaper, social media, the indoctrination, brainwashing by schools,clubs?
How many written and unwritten rules should we follow to be accepted?

It doesn't show itself just because of hard work. You need to be liked, helped, receive a lift and be discovered or introduced by a VIP or person with influence.
Will I break unwritten rules? The answer is YES. Unwritten rules aren't the law. I don't see any point in living by church rules or what a book like the bible "says" a translated copy-paste for hundreds of years. Why should I? I can't take the unwritten rules of priests, witch hunters, rapists, pedophiles serious. If it comes to it I join the mob and be the hitman if needed. I have my own norms and values based on how I experience/d life. No succesful person became rich by following the rules and colouring within the lines.

Succes comes with courage, if you stand for what you say, if you dare to try and don't care who threatens you or laughs into your face (or behind your bac). As long as it feels good to me I take the path I like the best, there's no need to follow me nor to judge me, why should you waste your time and energy in doing so? .

The Dutch expression de mazen in de wet gebruiken says enough. This is not about foul play or the devil's advocate but about being creatieve and finding those roads leading to your goal. To me this is way more honest than pretending and backstabbing.

Pictures: AI-generated by me - bing.com/create
I am a mobile phone user only

source picture

This Contest is hosted by @boylikegirl.club

@fadthalib @lucky4karmen @jiva34 @ibesso

free writing 15 steem(1).jpg

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Did you ever give me a valuable upvote? Thank you.

Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

#freewrite #rules #steemexclusive #kittywu #club75


I admire the fact that you have a mind of your own, not moved by anyone or anything. You just do what pleases you as long as your heart tells you is right.

You and Weisser-rabe have almost same principles. I’m guessing is because you ladies are grown ups now and have seen a lot in life.

But is this, how you were when you were much younger?


Sekali lagi tentang aturan. Segala macam aturan tertulis selalu ada sanksi bagi yang melanggar. Bagaimana dengan aturan tidak tertulis, apakah ada sanksi bagi yang melanggar? Tetap ada sanksi yang melekat, katakanlah sanksi sosial berupa, dikucilkan, dianggap tidak bermoral oleh orang yang merasa paling punya moral.

Di hutan sekalipun ada aturan yang dibuat oleh raja hutan. Apakah kita bisa bernegosiasi dengan Singa?, kalau tidak dibunuh maka sebaliknya. Sebagai makhluk pemakan segalanya, manusia dibekali hati yang mampu membedakan aturan baik dan buruk. Kecuali manusia itu sudah tidak punya hati.

Selama aturan itu tidak melanggar nilai-nilai yang kita yakini kebenarannya maka ikutilah, jika bertentangan maka ikutlah suara hati.

Aturan alam adalah aturan yang sudah ditetapkan. Anda hidup atau mati. Haruskah saya melihat pengganggu tetangga saya sebagai singa?
Haruskah saya mematuhi seorang pria tua dan hidup dalam kemiskinan, tinggal di rumah sementara dia terbang dengan jet pribadinya?
Saya rasa tidak.

Apakah Anda pernah menonton film "The Hunger Games" atau "Silo"? Saya rasa Anda akan melihat bahwa selalu ada orang yang mempertanyakan dan melakukannya dengan cara mereka sendiri. Anda bahkan melihatnya dalam animasi 'Chicken run'.

Aturan tidak tertulis dapat dibuat oleh semua orang mulai dari melepas sepatu jika Anda memasuki rumah, menyapa semua orang jika Anda masuk, mengucapkan selamat tinggal, tidak menyentuh barang milik orang lain atau menggunakannya jika tidak diminta terlebih dahulu, tidak merokok di tempat umum, begitu banyak aturan yang dapat membuat Anda dituntut, berakhir di penjara jika Anda mengabaikannya?

All glories to your "unruly" spirit. 🙂

Ah, you stick to the rules. 🙃

Not really. I kind of use my intellect. It's a bizarre way to do things, logic instead of emotion.

For example, oh by the way I thought what you did, do was totally fucking hilarious. ROTFLMYTFAO. REALLY!

It's exhausting if you have to follow every unwritten rule, we are a chain of unwritten rules..

LOL your answer deserves an upvote


This did it.
Have a super hilarious day!

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