Contest: "The most difficult person you've ever encountered?"

in Boylikegirl Club11 months ago


Just like we come across people we could term best people in our lives, we also get to meet or know people who we might consider difficult.

A difficult person is one who tends to be irritable, non-communicative, and lacks empathy for others. They might be this way due to external or internal causes, either way, they make leaving or talking with them a difficult task.

The most difficult person I've ever encountered

The most difficult person I've encountered so far happens to be a colleague at work. She was what we called the group's representative. Due to our large number, she was appointed by the boss to be the representative so we can direct all our queries to her while she presents it to him to avoid everyone trooping in and out and sometimes, for the same purpose.

This was a good idea considering our number, and would have been the best idea if only our representative was not a difficult individual, if only she was open, receptive, and just a little bit polite. Though no one can be all round perfect, I always believed for such position as a representative of a mass, some level of politeness, understanding and empathy would have done so much good.


Working with her wasn't easy as she was never in the mood for a productive conversation. Whenever we brought our queries or ideas to her, she always found some faults in always or always have something to complain about or she just wouldn't attend to it.

This went on for a long while until we decided we were fed up and don't need a representative anymore. We decided to bypass the appointed representative and took this complain directly to the boss. Being an understanding and observant leader, he listened to our concerns and dissolved the whole representative idea. Though, this didn't we could all go in whenever we loved, as a more convenient measure was taken to see to that.

Thank you @boylikegirl for this topic. I am inviting my friends, @uduak3287 , @basil20 and @spanky-dollar to come participate.

   Thanks for reading my post.

I get the feeling, and I love your power of description, keep it up. hopefully, she sees this post an change (is that your wish too?🤣🤣)

That would have been my wish if she was still holding that position.😂
Right now, all I wish for her is the best.

@usoro01 always reserve this in your mind. Not everybody trust your personality and want to stand with you in any case. We are surrounded by friends who doesn't love anything about us, so when there's an opportunity for them to be unveiled, you'll be surprise to see them not buying to any idea or proposition you make. They always have a faults to report.

Your article is rich.... I wish you Goodluck in this contest

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