Contest: My Soulmate in Life

Good day fellow Steemians. Join me as I share my opinion on this interesting topic, soulmate.


A soulmate is that person with whom you're ideally suited or uniquely compatible. A soulmate could come as a close friend or romantic partner, a male or a female. What matters is the shared bond which is special and almost like a spiritual connection.

My Soulmate

In my case, it's a friend and not necessarily a romantic partner. A close female friend, to be precise whom I consider a soulmate. we got to know each other as a 'fresher' in the university. We've been good friends since then and she has proven to be more than just a friend.

More than a close friend, I like to believe she's a soulmate or 'soul sis' because we very much agree on all of the small and big stuff, we love almost the same things, we have the same sense of humour and whenever we have to compete, it's done without any form of jealousy or bitterness.

We have come to understand and connect with each other so well that when something is wrong with one of us, the other person doesn't even need to be told 'cause they'll feel it. I've been friends with her for a few years and I hope to celebrate more years of friendship with her.

Some Types of Soulmates

They exist different types of soulmates but I'll be throwing more light on three types.

  • The Twin flame:this is believed to be the most romantic specie of soulmates. It is the division of one soul into two bodies which later connect and ignite a spark. This soulmate only comes in one person, that is, you only have one twin flame which you will know when you meet them.
  • The Friend soulmate:this kind of soulmate can be found in different persons. With this person, you feel so at ease and comfortable because you guys have the same beliefs and attitudes.
  • Karmic soulmate:with this specie of soulmates, you feel and act as though you've known each other in the past. The connection with karmic soulmate could be passionate sometimes, they come, teach you lessons and they're gone.
    In essence, having a soulmate is a beautiful thing and it comes with a satisfying and exciting feeling we should all experience.

Thank you @boylikegirl for approving this topic and that you @vudeme123 for inviting me to this contest. I also want to invite @uduak3287 , @bossj23 and @spanky-dollar to share their various opinions and perspective on this.


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