Contest: "Do you have any part-time job".


Part-time job

A part-time job is a form of employment or a flexible working arrangement which requires you working fewer hours or fewer days per week as compared to a full time job.
Unlike a main job, a part-time job could serve as a side hustle.

My part-time job

Being a student in a university, I also look for ways to earn extra cash asides what I'm given on a monthly basis. To do this, I've taken up some part-time job whose working schedule and hours allows me concentrate on my studies as well.

I and my ushering team at a wedding ceremony

My first part-time job was an ushering where I'm scheduled to work under an ushering agency as a professional usher for different events. I get to do this almost every Saturday and it's been worth it so far.

I and my ushering team at Abak

Asides the commendable pay, I get to meet with new people, go to different places I ordinarily wouldn't go and also learn new habits and ideas. This has no doubt provide me with some level of socialization.

Since my ushering job only came up on Saturdays, I decided to take up another job as a lesson teacher to nursery and primary school kids.

Teaching as a part-time lesson teacher.

After their normal learning hours in school, I come around later in the day to help them with assignments and also teach them further on topics they were taught or will soon be taught in school. I do this for two hours and three times a week.

This particular job is something I enjoy doing. Talking with the kids and helping them understand a certain concept more gives me an amazing feeling.

This experiences has helped me in understanding and concluding that a part-time job gives more than just the pay.

Advantages of a part-time job

As a student, having a part-time job is of great importance and advantage. Some of these advantages are;

  • A part-time job create avenues for socializing.

  • It provides a means for earning extra pocket money and also learning to manage your money.

  • It helps in gaining confidence to take up higher responsibilities.

  • You can also gain independence and some stability from taking up a part-time job.

  • It helps in building your professional network and opening up future career possibilities.

  • A part-time job helps you in understanding yourself better and developing a strong personality.

Thank you @boylikegirl for organizing this interesting contest. I am inviting my friends; @uduak3287 , @bossj23 and @spanky-dollar to participate.

   Thanks for reading my post.

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