"Do you have any part-time job"

Hello my dear friend this is my participation for the contest "Do you have any part-time job", which is organized by @boylikegirl.club . Because this is a very interesting subject for me so I made my mind to participate in this .

And this the LINK of the Contest LINK
I also like to invite to participate in this contest:



In order to participate in this competition, it becomes necessary for me to give details of my original works. In fact, I am a voluntary retired administrative officer of the Medical Department.

I was very much interested in business work from the beginning and for this I used to make some successful and unsuccessful efforts even during the service period.

After my voluntary retirement, I started doing the basic business of supplying surgical equipment and instruments to departmental hospitals, which is currently my full time job, to meet the supplies and requirements of my own former department, while being healthy.

But I've never felt completely satisfied doing anything, and I always wake up wanting to do something more. That's why I realized that if I do some other business along with my main work, then there will be some additional income.

And to make this idea come true, I have come to know from my experiences that at present modernity and fashion are in full swing all over the world, and our young generation is focusing more on online purchasing through internet instead of market place.

Just got the idea of selling women garments online part time for my extra income in my mind and I created my profile on an online selling website and started selling women's ethnic clothes by purchasing directly from the manufacturers.

In the beginning, I also faced some difficulties in this work, but then I controlled those problems as well. Now I am able to earn some extra money regularly through this part time job. And this also makes good use of my time.

In this era of modernity and fashion, this is a great business, just for this you have to keep in mind the current demand of the young generation like a skilled businessman.

My part time business is doing very well. And in the near future I am also considering international online selling of ornaments for women.

Thank You very much .



Pekerjaan paruh waktu memang penting kita lakukan agar waktu tak terbuang percuma. Saya yakin anda dapat melakukannya dengan baik, memilih dan memiliki waktu yang tepat antara pekerjaan online dan offline. Saya hanya berharap kesuksessn menjadi milik anda, selamat kawan. Sukses selalu buat anda

Terima kasih banyak kawan saya atas ucapan baik anda.


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