Recommend a few songs based on your preffered music genre

in Boylikegirl Clublast year (edited)



Music as fondly said is life, we listen to various types of songs and music. Some of this music convey deep and meaniful messages while some of them have no messages to convey. As it might have messages or not most of is listen to them. Music and songs which bearly have messages or deep meaning to convey are mostly listened because of the attractive sound or beat. This sings have no message yet people tend to listen more to them because odlfthe sound, track, beatand how pleasing the sound to the ears. Well which do you prefer? A misis with deep and sting message or the other. As for me I choose a music which Coney deep messages like inspirational words, ideas, stories or might be educational, lessons which life taught us the hard way. Today I am going to share with you a very beautiful song with deep messages. Read on.
Have you heard the song titles “COAT OF MANY COLOURS" by Dolly Patron. I summarized that song to be a song of humble beginning. The beautiful song talks about a young lady which was from a humble poor home, Her mother was gifted with a box of ragsand she recalled how that box of rags was put to used . In her words she didn't have a coat so her mum sewed the rags together to from a coat for her, her mum sewed every stich with love and she did made a coat that she was so proud of. As her mum sewed she told her stories fromje Bible she has read about the coat of many colours joesph wore and then her mother told her perphers this cost will bring you good luck and happiness and she just couldnt wait to wear it and her mom blessed it with a kiss. With rags now turned coat she was excited and hurried off the to school but she was surprised to see the others laughing and making fun of her coat, the there she felt ashamed because she felt she was as rich as she could be. She told them all the love her mother sewed them with and she told them the stories her mom's told her while she sewed the coat. In her words “They couldn't understand it and she tried to make them see, that one is only poor if he chooses to be"

Lesson learned

My great lesson learnt at firstly the were gifted with box of ragsand a gift. This simply show how poor the were it signifies humble beginning. In her words she said, They couldn't understand it and I tried to make them see that one is only poor if he chooses to be. This simply soeak a powerful message that you are to choose if you are to be rich or poor. From her words she said "although they hard no money but she was as rich as she could be in her coat of many color". This simply the power of contentment . This song is filled of powerful message , it a song of a humble beginning.




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