Which do you think is more important, ability or beauty?

in Boylikegirl Club2 months ago (edited)

Greetings my dear steemians, good day everyone hope you all are having a very wonderful time, it's my pleasure having you in this week contest "Which do you think is more important, ability or beauty?" Organized by #boylikegirl.club.

Ability leads to efficiency of work which builds up a business or company in such a way that the company, and business will experience positive change in their works and increase in total earnings or profits. While beauty is the physical look or appearance of one the, like face, and body shape which sometimes gives some people opportunity of getting a job.

Which do you think is more important, ability or beauty?"
Without thinking twice I will say ability is more important than beauty, there are so many ways ability would be considered and preferred more than beauty in our society, take for instance you went for interview and you know fully well that you don't have the qualifications for the job just because of your beauty you think they will pick you instead of those qualified for the job, except you have something in common with the interviewer which may at last lead to further damage of the company reputation, ability also better than beauty because due to inflation of goods and services in our community am not sure if any body will prefer beauty other than ability because every company, business, and many other business units want to meet up the current economics level to achieve this they will go for the best which is ability,
Ability of the worker boost confidence of the company owners or board director, in such a way that things will be running smoothly for everyone by not facing any physical challenges from any worker.
Beauty with brain is nothing compared to does who have undergone series of training to become professional and experts, have it in mind that if you are employed because of beauty definitely one day you will be sacked because of common issues,

Many businesses, industries, companies and other working sectors collapsed as a result of inefficiency of the workers and it management, what am trying to say is that most of the workers were employed because of the relationship they have with the company owners or board director, some also were employed because the business or company belongs to their family, they are other many ways in which people got employed that's not related to their ability and efficiency to work and it doesn't lead the business or company to a better point instead it contribute to it down fall, so many companies and business has experience this and have taken measures to eradicate it from their company.

I have come to the end of this contest, which i will like to appreciate the effort of the organizer @boylikegirl.club and also invite my fellow steemians @ahmeh123, @joslud, @good2000 to take part in this contest thanks

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