Would your parents pressure you to get married because of your age?

in Boylikegirl Club4 months ago


There are two reasons why your parents should force you to get married, one is that the children are earning well, and the other is that the children are now too old in the eyes of the parents.
So if age is big then parents rush towards marriage and start paying attention. In general, parents do not think that their children are big, and consider it their duty to prove their children small in front of others. But gradually, as they realize that now the marriage of their children is necessary, they force it again because of their old age.
The question is, will my parents force me for marriage because of my age? So the point is that I myself intend to get married soon, if Allah wills. That way, they don't need to tell me that you are grown up and are too old, get married.

Marriage is necessary for human being and necessary in good age of time. Why we think sex as necessary in small age but we don't think marriage in small age as good.

So if the thing will realized by people and they'll start getting married at proper age from 18 to 24 the ratio of rapes and crimes will be controlled and after all our today's topic, the parents will leave pressuring their children for getting married, at late age.

There are obviously so many points in it. Comes in. We think if we marry, we have to deal with more difficult things and have to fulfill the requirements of our wife. But we forget the one who created us here, and always. And this is my first and last point and sad to write about this always.
Who created us, obviously created our wives, and he better knows how to do, and what to do. What is best for us, and what will we eat next. How much we eat next.
So the wife and her tensions will be controlled but if the wife is also understanding and believing what you are.

So yes my parents maybe do that, pressurizing me for getting married, if I will ever give them a chance to do so.

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