"What's your opinion on people who depend on their parents for a living (or are "NEETs")?"

Hello everyone and thanks @boylikegirl.club for organizing this contest.


Neets are being used in advance amount in developed system of production, distribution and consumption as a measure of youth and neets is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name for not in Education, employment or training a person who is unemployed and has not received any education.

There is a phenomenon in society that many people lose their jobs after graduation, so they can't find a job and simple live at home on the support of their parents. What do I think about this way of life?

People coming back to live with their parents after they graduate from school and can't fine a job is not a good options because they can create a job for themselves and stop such thought of going back to their parents house.

At the level or age the parents have sent him or her to school and he or she is now a graduate, he or she should be the one taking care of the parents and not coming back to live is the same house that has train him or her from childhood and continue living there is very embarrassing.

This phenomenon do happen in the south east of Nigeria and they enjoy it has a good lifestyle and they see it has their right. I have experience one in Enugu Nigeria where he graduated and got a job and he was enjoying the money alone without coming to appreciate the parents and didn't even come for visit. One day there was no job again and money has finished, so many bills to pay including the house rent so he finally pack all he's things to the parents house with hope that on day he will get another job back.

The lovely parents accepted him, gave him a room to stay and different friends will come and go then the parents where checking on he's lifestyle and they noticed different things and they start complaining and one day, the mom voice out! "is this how you are living?" He was not comfortable and it make him to be ashamed of himself.

To me, there is nothing wrong with staying in your parents house but let it not be for long and I can not do such a thing instead I prefer to go out and find a small job and do to maintain my rent. Seeking for support from your parents if they have is not bad but not carrying yourself to move and live with them in their own house and when your mom cook she will ask you to bring plate that you will collect your food.

There are disregard and conflicts that it will bring if one depend on their parents for a living just to mention few.

  1. He or she will lose respect because your parents will see you has a waste. Someone will lack of vision.
  2. He or she will lose your integrity both side, in the eyes of your parents, though they may not say it out because they are showing you love but one day it will come out. People that have seen you in your parents house for long will start asking some questions like, I thought he or she was a graduate that went to school, why is the parents still feeding him and providing everything for him, can't he go out there and look for a job to do?
  3. Their parents will always compromised on their privacy. Their movement and conversation will always be on their parents ears and they get blamed when anything go wrong.
  4. He or she can not have freedom because they are the ones to be in charge and some annoying situations will come.
  5. He or she will easily fall into their trap when he or she is not doing what will please them or follow the opinion they gave.
  6. He or she will always be under their rules and is a must that he or she must follow it.

Though there are some advantages like;

  1. He or she don't have to pay bills like, rent, electricity bills etc
  2. He or she will be seeing and eating free food but when you displeased them they will not feed you again.
  3. He or she will be supported by the parents emotionally.
  4. He or she will be useful to them for sending messages and carrying out duties asgined.

Am not encouraging anyone to go and live with their parents after he or she has graduated from school unless is your choice and if you will be able to stand the pressure.

Thank you for reading my post

My invite
@sbamsoneu @goodybest @hanny1


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