"Save money or spend money you think that's the more correct way of life? "


Both saving and spending plays major role in our living, in today's world one must learn to save and also spend wisely, according to me, I would say spending is more correct way of life than saving, this is because the money saved today is spent tomorrow, but saving and spending just have it importance with time.

However I would really emphasize on the following
Definition of saving
Definition of spending
Why I think spending is more correct way of life


Definition of saving

Saving is the total sum of money set aside as reserved for use in the future at given period of time, it is a process through which anyone who earn income, takes out some percent of which he chooses to and keep it either in a bank as fixed deposit or put in a safe for use in the future.

Definition of spending

Spending actually involves using of money to get what you want, it is the act of buying or purchasing good and service for present use.

Why I think spending is more correct way of life

I know that both saving and spending are both important, but in my opinion, spending is the more correct way of life, first there is no way you will survive on this world without spending, like I said we save to spend tomorrow, and we spend everyday of our life, why spending is the more correct way of life, one of the reasons is that you cannot avoid it, no matter who you are, you have to spend but in saving, it is a choice and a step one has to take, but spending does not depend on anything, it is what you have to do to survive everyday.

In conclusion, I would say you have to learn to manage to balance between saving and spending as both are important to our living


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