Watercolor Art: Gouche Scene

I posted a lot of art on hive but it does not give me any good reward these days. Some of the time art remains voteless and that kind of make me feel bad about my efforts. And I wish to change that instead I make sure to put the art on all the social media sites. Hopefully that would make things appreciated.


I need to do a lot better wth the art and also make sure to post content on regular basis so that it can get me some views and also some votes which would keep my earning going on regular basis. Which is a good direction that I am taking too.


Have a look at that new community knack4buzz hive-135004 some witnesses reward.
Have a look at your hashtags will anyine search for these to find your art?

On hive I do have step by step process for the art. Here on steem I kind of only kept one step art. as nobody even talks here at all.

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