Will You Accept The Unwritten Rules In Order To Succeed?

I have come to realize that in our world today, people tend to follow shortcuts in other to succeed. But that's never the way to go. Who wouldn't want to bypass the hard work, dedication and perseverance needed to succeed? I have also faced a situation like this where I was faced with the dilema of either choosen to succeed through unwritten rules or follow the road map.


Shortcuts or unwritten rules at times may seem appealing but they often come with hidden costs. At first, unwritten rules might seem like a clever way to get ahead but it's not. People tend to say "why should I put in the effort to learn and master a skill when I can find a quick fix. Some may even say why bothering to build a meaningful relationship with people when the can manipulate or use people to get what they want.

But we must get somethings straight, When we follow the unwritten rules to succeed,we will be left unprepared for the challenges that lie ahead of us which now makes it difficult to sustain the attained success. Again, when we follow unwritten rules,we miss out on valuable experiences, learning opportunities and personal growth that comes with due process.

On the other hand, earning your success through hard work and dedication gives us a sense of pride and fulfillment. When we face and overcome obstacles and learning from failures helps us to develop the resilience needed to navigate life's challenges.


In conclusion, unwritten rules to success might look appealing,it often come with long-term cost which may undermine your achievements. But for me as an individual,I choose to follow the laid down rules as I will be embracing the Journey and putting in the required effort to succeed.


   Thanks for your time.

In conclusion, unwritten rules to success might look appealing,it often come with long-term cost

Do you mean to say we should not stick to the unwritten rules if we want success? 🤔
Unwritten rules are also: greeting, shaking hands, takingyour shoes off, keeping a door open,...

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