Does your country have a bride price for marriage?"

in Boylikegirl Club4 months ago


Greetings everyone, it my first time of writing on this community and I hope that am welcome. Today I will be writing about a contest organized by and it talk about my country bride price for marriage.
Does your country have bride price for for marriage

In my country paying bride price is common in many cultures and ethnic groups is their tradition.

And the bride price is being pay by the groom to the bride family as a symbol of respect and appreciation for the bride family.

Will the bride price become a burden for people when they get married? Tell me what you think.

The issue of paying bride price being problem is actually complex and multifaceted one. The tradition of paying bride price can have cultural significance and be seen as a symbol of appreciation and respect , it can also lead to financial problem or exploitation.

Sometimes the bride price can be set on high amount making it difficult for the groom to pay it, and this put pressure on on the couple and their family leading to financial problems and potential conflicts between the two couples.

Also paying high bride price may it looks like the bride is being sold out to the groom which may lead to inequalities and harmful gender norms.

Also the bride price becomes a burden for people when they get married depends on various factors, including the specific customs and practices in their community,their personal beliefs their and financial situation and values. It is important to consider the conditional of the bride price tradition and work towards finding a balance that respects cultural heritage while also promoting fairness and equality in marriage practices and so.

I will like to invite

Thanks for reading


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