in Steem Alliancelast year

Hello to everybody in this wonderful community and in the steemit platform at large. I greet you all in good spirit and I want to believe that everyone is doing just great today.

I want to use this medium to appreciate the team who are in charge of this community for an opportunity brought forward to all users who meet the criteria to make an application article for the position to be an authorized user in this community.

Today I am here to make my intention known to the community team heads that I'm interested and vividly want to be an authorized user so I can gain access to make quality articles in the community. The below is a well detailed information about me.. I wish you a happy reading.


My name is Solomon Israel with the username @solexybaba. I joined this platform in October 2021 and ever since I have been making articles in this great platform. I am a student and I have great knowledge about steemit platform. I am a Nigerian and base in Kaduna state.



The steemit platform has been of great help to me in no doubt. This platform is indeed a breakthrough to all who come with the mindset to learn and gain knowledge. I was opportune to be among those users who witnessed the Steemit Crypto Academy classes. Where vital topics regarding cryptocurrency and the Steemit platform were inculcated to us.

I came as a novice and so bit by bit, I grabbed most of the teachings regarding cryptocurrency and trading and that was how I learned how to trade and today, in no doubt I can make cryptocurrency articles and that of trading as a result of the knowledge I've gathered and researched via the help of this platform.

I also gained knowledge about how to run a business with the help of a community that is no longer functioning known as BusinessActivity. I gained knowledge about business and I began my own business. That was how I learn the basics of business and I am effectively running a business smoothly with the knowledge I gained from the community.


At some point I began to write articles related to business in some communities. That is to prove how much I have gained and to give the platform back somethings I have gained, I started writing business related articles so that other users can learn from my articles since we have no community that talks about business activity no more.

I equally learned how to write and got familiar with certain writing styles as seen in this article. Also I gained a lot from this platform such as funds which I used to start up my business in a better form and it is because of the funds I gained from this platform I'm being able to sustain my business. All the ideas came from this platform and I appreciate that.

Meeting new people from different countries is also an achievement and I am glad that this platform has paved a way to talk to great individuals and this is a great achievement I must say.


Ever since I began my steemit journey, the passion to write has been the order of the day. I love to write about the things I know and as such to give out some knowledge that I have gotten from within and outside this platform.

Just as I have been taught by several others on this platform, I deemed it fit to also dish out from the little that I know to other users who finds my articles educating and desire to learn from my teachings. With the business articles I make and articles related to cryptocurrency and trading as a whole, it will go a long way to educate users as it is highly beneficial.

I also want to improve my community via the rewards that I will possibly get if I am selected as an authorized user. My community has suffered greatly and that was because of my poor management skills and that was the reason why I took a break as though there were a lot going on in the previous months.

I had financial challenges that I needed to resolve and my head wasn't really in the game but now I'm fully back with vigor and strength to do things right and in accordance to the rules and regulations of both this community and the Steemit platform at large.


It would be ungrateful of me if I don't observe protocol and so I want to thank the community head, the assistant, the communication manager and others who have come together to make this platform a better place for users. @nusuranur, Thank you for all you do and thank you to @theentertainer for coming up with this movement to help other users with the zeal of making qualitative contents gain access to this community. I do hope my application will be considered and thank you in anticipation.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65718.58
ETH 2677.48
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91