The Mode Of Operation Of Mimblewimble Protocol In The Cryptoecosystem

in Steem Alliance2 months ago



The Mimblewimble protocol is basically a part of the block chain technology that focuses on ensuring the hundred percent safety of its users privacy it also enhances confidentiality and scalability in the block chain network, it achieves and ensures the maintenance of users privacy through features like confidential transactions and Coin join, while it optimizes and enhance scalability through the concept of Cut through.

The Mimblewimble protocol was creted by an individual or group of individuals using the pseudonym Tom Elvis Jedusor because of their anonymity we don't really know much about Tom Elvis Jedusor but i personally would say that he, she or they were a fan of the movie series Harry Potter seeing as they named the protocol after a tongue tying spell Mimblewimble in the Harry Potter series, also showing the protocol foremost use was to ensure confidentiality and privacy.


The Mimblewimble functionality is all about enabling a more improved and reliable means of facilitating efficient and private cryptocurrency transactions, in this post of mine i will be discussing and explaining some of the key and basic mode of operation of the mimblewimble protocol.


One mode of operation of the Mimblewimble protocol is clearly seen and noticed in the incorporation of the mechanism of Coin join, the coin join is basically a technique that was initially and originally proposed so as to further enhance privacy by the developer Gregory Maxwell.

Coin join operates by enabling and allowing the processing and carrying out multiple transactions that are compiled and combined into a single transaction, thereby making it difficult for any external or unauthorized parties to detect or trace the ownership, flow and movement of each individual transactions of digital coins.

In the Mimblewimble protocol, Coin join basically operates by aggregating and combining multiple and similar input and output transactions as a result effectively enhancing transaction privacy by obscuring and obfuscating transaction patterns on the the transaction graph.


The cut through is another basic and fundamental mode of operation of the Mimblewimble protocol, it is feature of the Mimblewimble protocol that helps to optimize and increase scalability of the block chain however, in the traditional blockchain networks, taking the bitcoin as a example, the block chain grows in scalability linearly over time as new transactions are added to the ledger.

So what even is the Cut through feature? Some of you might already be asking, well when a transaction is confirmed, its inputs and outputs are combined, resulting in a compact representation of the block chain, so Cut through is basically the process that removes and eliminates the outputs of already processed transactions from the block chain records,

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This method of transaction cut through reduces the size of the block chain network as a result and improving the scalability of the network by eliminating redundant data and freeing up space and increasing the efficiency of storing and validating transactions.


Another mode of operation of the Mimblewimble protocol is through the implementation of the Dandelion protocol, the dandelion is a feature of the Mimblewimble protocol, it is a protocol extension that enhances and improves privacy, it basically operates by transmitting transactions through a path of random intermediary nodes before taking them through a wider network as a result it obscures the origin of the transaction.

This method of processing transactions that the dandelion ensures basically prevents the enemies and attackers of the network whether legally or illegally from easily tracing the source of any transaction hence, improving and enhancing the anonymity of users.

Additionally, the Dandelion protocol basically strengthens and enhances the assurance of hundred percent privacy protections of the block chain network by introducing and implementing ambiguity as a result of its randomness.


Scriptless Script, another mode in which the Mimblewimble protocol operates, is a ground breaking cryptographic technology that enables complex smart contract to function and carryout their normal transactions without discarding or revealing any sensitive information whatsoever on the blockchain.

The scriptless script is a trustless mode of interactions between parties without necessarily requiring an on chain scripting, it therefore enhances the usability and flexibility of Mimblewimble based cryptocurrencies seeing as it supports and facilitates advanced types of transaction yet it still maintains and ensures users privacy.



In conclusion, the Mimblewimble protocol offers quite a number of different mode in which it typically operates all which ensures, maintains and improves privacy, scalability, and efficiency.

Through the implementation of some techniques and protocols such as eatures such as coin join, cut through, Dandelion and Scriptless Scripts.


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