Schnorr Cryptographic Signature And The Benefits It Brings To The Blockchain Network

in Steem Alliance4 months ago


Hello friends,


I derive joy as I come before my friends in this community today to relate on an interesting topic I found during my course of research.

Before making my research on this topic, I had little knowledge on this topic but after making my research, I feel I have enough knowledge to share.

Without wasting any more time, join me as we dig and gain understanding on schnorr signature.

Schnorr Signature

Efficiency and security are one of the most important feature of the blockchain technology, and this features can only be possible through cryptographic signatures.

Among the numerous cryptographic schemes we have, the schnorr signature is made to stand out due to its security, simplicity and efficiency.

The schnorr signature is named after its inventor Claus -peter schnorr, and it is known to be a digital signature scheme that is loved for it's elegance and robustness.

The schnorr signature provides more benefit than other signature schemes, and this makes it very attractive for applications that requires an efficient and secure cryptographic signature.

For more understanding, we can say that the schnorr signature gives a signer the opportunity to generate a signature for a given message through the use of their private key.

And this signature is verifiable by anyone making use of the signer's public key and original message.

As we continue on this discussion, we will learn about the Advantages of schnorr signature.

Advantages Of Schnorr Signature

  • Security:

One major advantage of schnorr signature is that they provide robust security features and this builds their resistance to different cryptographic attack.

Another unique benefit is the resistance they pose to existential forgery under a adaptive chosen message attack.

This implies that although an attacker may gain access to the signatures of chosen messages, they are unable to forge a signature for other messages.

With this property, the authenticity and integrity of signed data are guaranteed, and this is very important for a secured transaction and communication in cryptocurrency-like applications.

  • Compactness:

Compactness is another very interesting advantage of schnorr signature, as it offers greater compactness when compared to other signature schemes like ECDSA.

The compact nature is as a result of the fact that schnorr signature consists of one integer and one group element, and this often lead to smaller signature sizes.

Smaller signatures are seen to be an added advantage in scenerios where we have limited storage space or bandwidth, such as the blockchain network, an embedded systems etc.

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  • Linearity And Homomorphism:

Another unique advantage of schnorr signature is derive from the linear and Homomorphism features.

Linearity in this context implies that the sum of valid signatures on different message is also seen to be a valid signature on the sum of this messages.

With this unique property, a multisignature scheme is allowed where multiple parties can cooperately create a single signature, serving as a representation of their collective agreement.

While homomorphism operates in a way that any activity on transaction and messages are performed in a way that gets their validity preserved.

  • Batch Verification:

The suitability of schnorr signature for batch verification is another of it's unique advantages we enjoy.

Here a verification of multiple signature can be done simultaneously with a lesser computational overhead as at when compared to an individual verification of each signature.

Batch verification is mostly done in scenerios where we have a verification of large set of signatures, such as can be seen in blockchain network or digital voting.

Batch verification helps in reducing computational complexity by aggregating multiple signature verification into a single computational step, which often result to an Improved scalability and efficiency.

  • Threshold Signature Schemes:

Another advantage of schnorr signature is gotten from how well they lend themselves to threshold signature schemes.

And here, a signature cannot be produced unless by a collective cooperation of multiple parties, with each having a share of the private key.

An enhanced security and fault tolerance is being offered by threshold signature as when compared to the traditional single signer schemes,as the risk of key compromise is being distributed amongst multiple participants.


Based on schnorr signature in the threshold signature schemes, there is a division of the private keys amongst participants with the help of a sharing technique known as Shamir's secret sharing.


It is an undeniable fact that schnorr signature offers an array of benefits over other available cryptographic signature schemes.

Some of this benefits which includes compactness, linearity, homomorphism, robust security, batch verification etc.

As we continue our discussion on schnorr signature, I believe there are many more for us to learn.

 4 months ago 
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