Verified delay function

in Steem Alliance4 months ago

Greetings to you all!
Verified delay function is my today's topic to share.

When I talk about verified delay function then it is used in programming and defined as one of the most significant feature that permits you to take any break and pause in your code. If you want to take over the control on timing of some particular action then you can use concept of delay function at that time. So after that it would permit you after implementation of delay function that you are allowed to see happening of another action after a particular time of pause or break.


There are different methods and techniques by which you can implement delayed function in programming so when I talk about one of the most significant and most widely used approach or method then it is to set a timer ⏳. These functions would permit you to specify particular give reason of break in the form of milliseconds or second. After the delay would be encountered in the code then program would stop for a particular duration before continuation in the next line of codes.

There are different applications in which delayed function is helpful and useful so if I given example then in the development of games you can use delay function for creating a break in two levels or to control particular time of different animations. When I talk about another example then in robotics delay function can be used for introducing delays between particular action of robots and is used for the synchronization of the movements of different components.

But when you use delay function then it is very important to stay in formed about its dangerous also that's why precautions are also important in some scenarios and one of imaginary scenario explaining here I'm explaining here;

Suppose that you are working with real time system or some tasks that are time sensitive then in that case if you would try to implement delay function then it would not be suitable and good approach because it would lead to less precision or imprecision in that timing which would affect overall performance of your system that's why in that particular cases you can use programming techniques for achieving your desired time.

Now I want to give you an imaginary example of verified laid function.

Suppose you are using time module for creating a delay function:

For this you are defining the function which is delayand for this you are taking parameter of secondswhich is definitely time that you are going to set so inside the function you will use time.sleep()so that you would would it to start the break and pause of the program for specified number of seconds that have been set.

After code would run then we would receive an output and it would be like this:

Before delay time
Delay completion
After delay


Now you can see that it was the pose of programming that have been for 2 seconds before printing "Delay complete!"and not only this it continued after rest of code also.

It is very important now to keep it in your mind that it was just an imaginary example and you can set time by following it according to your on particular needs and achievements that you want to achieve and for taking control on timing of different particular actions you can use it.

That was all about my topic verified delayed function that I tried my best to explain to you....

Have a blessed day
 4 months ago 
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